
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. L. Arora, Vats L. K.1967Preliminary biological observations on Linognathus africanus Kellogg and Paine with a description of the first instar nymph (Haematopinidae, Anoplura)
I. T. Arzamasov1967K izuceniyu fauny ektoparazitov gryzunov na territorii g. Minska
J. - C. Beaucournu, Arzamasov I. T.1967Présence en Biélorussie de Polyplax hannswrangeli Eichler, 1952 (Insecta, Anoplura). Caractères différentiels de ce pou avec les espèces affines de Polyplax parasitant les campgnols des genres Clethrionomys et Microtus dans le région paléarctique
J. - C. Beaucournu, Houin R.1967A propos de la présence a Madagascar de Polyplax reclinata (Nitzsch, 1864) sensu Johnson 1960 (Insecta, Anoplura) parasite de musaraignes
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1967Order Anoplura
W. W. G. Büttiker1967Nova descoberta de Microthoracius mazzai Werneck (Haematopinidea, Anoplura) na alpaca (Lama pacos L.)
J. A. Camacho, Irwin-Williams C.1967Earliest new world men
T. Clay1967Mallophaga (biting lice) and Anoplura (sucking lice). Part I: Austrogoniodes (Mallophaga) parasitic on Penguins (Sphenisciformes)
T. Clay, Moreby C.1967Mallophaga (biting lice) and Anoplura (sucking lice). Part II: Keys and locality lists of Mallophaga and Anoplura
C. M. Clifford, Bell, J. F., Raymond, G.1967Effects of limb disability on lousiness in mice. IV Evidence of genetic factors in susceptibility of Polyplax serrata
G. Korting1967Phthiriasis palpebrarum -- und ihre ersten historischen Erwähnungen
S. Krynski1967Analogies et differences dans l`infection experimentale du pou par "Pasteurella pseudotubercolosis" et "Yersinia enterocolitica"
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1967Die Affenläuse der Gattung Pedicinus. II. Kurze Übersicht über die Wirte von Pedicinus
H. - J. Kuhn, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1967Die Affenläuse der Gattung Pedicinus. I
N. V. Kulik1967Predvaritelnyi obzor materialov po vsam (Anoplura) gryzunov G.D.R.
M. M. Lavoipierre1967Feeding mechanism of Haematopinus suis, on the transilluminated mouse ear
L. F. Lewis, Christenson, D. M., Eddy, G. W.1967Rearing the long-nosed cattle louse and cattle biting louse on host animals in Oregon
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1967Untersuchungen an Anoplura (Demonstration)
H. Wolfgang Ludwig, Schmidbauer B.1967Safraninfärbung für Mazerationspräparate von Anoplura und anderen Kleinarthropoda
A. R. Mead-Briggs, Page R. J. C.1967Ectoparasites from hares collected throughout the United Kingdom, January- March, 1964
A. L. Moore1967The genus Polyplax in Africa (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae)
M. Mrciak1967Acari, Anoplura a Aphaniptera Blatenskej nizrny pod Vihorlatom
F. Xavier Pajot1967Anoploures de rongeurs et d'insectivores de la République Centrafricaine
E. N. Pavlovsky1967On the sucking and piercing apparatus of Pediculidae
F. Piotrowski1967Wszawica i wszołowica bydła w woj. Poznańskim
L. J. Russell1967Parasites of the whitetail deer (odocoileus virginianus ochrourus)
W. D. Ryder1967The dispersal of certain species of Mallophaga which infest the domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus
G. D. Sergienko1967K faune Anoplura levobereznoi stepi UkrSSR
E. F. Sosnina1967The dependence of the infestation and species compositionof rodents` ectoparasites and the host`s habitat (on the example of Rattus turkestanicus)
O. Theodor, Costa M.1967A survey of the parasites of wild mammals and birds in Israel. Part 1. Ectoparasites
G. Varela19675 years of experience in keeping Pediculus humanus colonies in the laboratory
S. von Kéler1967Über einige Mallophagen und Läuse aus der Mongolei. Ergebnisse der Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen seit 1962, nr. 29
Z. Wegner1967Lice (Anoplura) found in Poland
E. L. Zanina1967Lice (Anoplura) of desert rodents of Tajikistan
Z. L. Zanina1967Vsi (Anoplura) pustynnykh gryzunov Tadzikistana
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith