
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Anonymous2012[Coevolution of Passeriformes and ectoparasites with emphasis on lice based on CO1 sequence data]
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S. Mdzuami Adelusi, Onah, I. Emmanuel, Omudu, E. Agbo2018A Survey of Ectoparasites of Wild Bird Species at Two Gallery Forests Along River Benue at Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria
A. Alahmed, Nasser, M. Gamal El- D., Shobrak, M., Dik, B.2012First records of the chewing lice (Phthiraptera) associated with European Bee Eater (Merops apiaster) in Saudi Arabia
M. A. R. Ansari1957Description of two new species of Bruëlia in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History), London
M. A. R. Ansari1957Revision of the Brüelia (Mallophaga) species infesting the Corvidae Part II
M. A. R. Ansari1957A note on the mensuration of an ischnoceran Mallophaga, Goniodes pavonis (Linnaeus), infesting the Indian common pea-fowl (Pavo c. cristatus Linnaeus)
M. A. R. Ansari1956Studies on Bruëlia species (Mallophaga) occurring on true thrushes
M. A. R. Ansari1956A brief survey of Bruëlia species (Ischnocera: Mallophaga) parasitic on the babblers and laughing thrushes (Timaliidae)
M. A. R. Ansari1956Revision of the Brüelia (Mallophaga) species infesting the Corvidae Part I
M. A. R. Ansari1955Studies on ischnoceran Mallophaga parasitic on Turdidae (sens. lat.)
M. A. R. Ansari1955Studies on the ischnoceron Mallophaga infesting birds in Pakistan
M. A. R. Ansari1947Mallophaga (Ischnocera) infesting birds in the Punjab (India)
M. Archawaranon, Subinprasert S.2004Bird-parasite Relations: A Hill Mynah Case Study
G. Arya, Bansal, N., Ahmad, A., Gupta, N., Saxena, A. Kumar2011Population ecology of a phthirapteran occurring on the common Baya (Ploceus philippinus) (Ploceidae: Passeriformes: Aves)
G. Arya, Bansal, N., Khan, V., Ahmad, A., Saxena, A. Kumar2010Population characteristics of Phthiraptera occurring on Red Whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
Q. -ul- A. Aslam, Sabir, M., Mushtag-ul-Hassan, M., Hassan, M.2015Competition in Terms of Habitat Preference Between the Two Ectoparasitic Members of Order Phthiraptera
C. N. Balakrishnan, Sorenson M. D.2006Dispersal ecology versus host specialization as determinants of ectoparasite distribution in brood parasitic indigobirds and their estrildid finch hosts
F. Balát1981A contribution to the knowledge of biting lice (Mallophaga) found on passerines (Passeriformes)
F. Balát1958Příspěvek k poznání všenek bulharských ptáků
F. Balát1955Příspěvek k poznání všenek rodu Brüelia I
I. Bechet1966O specie nouă de Brueelia (Insecta, Mallophaga), Brueelia melanocoryphae n. sp. parazită pe Melanocorypha c. calandra (L.) (Aves)
I. Bechet1961Două specii noi de Bruëlia Kéler (Mallophaga)
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1951Mallophaga of Tadzhikistan
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1940Mallophaga s ptic Talisa
C. Bueter2007Speciation Patterns in Chewing Lice from Catharus Thrushes
C. Bueter2006Cospeciation of Catharus thrushes and their parasitic chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
C. Bueter, Gordon C. E.2006Cospeciation of Catharus thrushes and their parasitic chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
C. Bueter, Weckstein, J. D., Johnson, K. P., Bates, J. M., Gordon, C. E.2009Comparative phylogenetic histories of two louse genera found on Catharus thrushes and other birds.
S. Bughio, Naz, S., Birmani, N. Ali2018New Species of Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) of Common Myna Acridotheres tristis (Passeriformes: Sturnidae) from Pakistan
M. Bulgarella, Palma R. L.2017Coextinction dilemma in the Galápagos Islands: Can Darwin's finches and their native ectoparasites survive the control of the introduced fly Philornis downsi?
H. Carl Conra Burmeister1838Mallophaga Nitzsch
S. E. Bush2021Acceptance of the 2021 Henry Baldwin Ward Medal: Parasite Forms Most Beautiful
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M. A. Carriker, Jr.1963Neotropical Mallophaga (Insecta) miscellany No. 13
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1956Report on a collection of Mallophaga, largely Mexican (Part II)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1954Report on a collection of Mallophaga, largely Mexican (Part I) [Amblycera]
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1903Mallophaga from birds of Costa Rica, Central America
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1902Descriptions of new Mallophaga from Nebraska
S. Chandra, Agarwal, G. P., Saxena, A. Kumar1989Distribution of Mallophaga on the body of Acridotheres tristis (Aves)
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A. Conrado Cicchino2004Addition to the revision of the species of the genus Brueelia Kéler, 1936 (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) parasites of the Icterinae, the species parasitic on the genus Agelaius Vieillot, 1816 (Aves: Passeriformes: Fringillidae)
A. Conrado Cicchino1990Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos. XX. Primera adicion a la revision preliminar de las especies del genero Brueelia Keler, 1936 (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) parasitas de Icterinae (Aves: Passeriformes: Emberizidae)
A. Conrado Cicchino1987Una nueva especie del genero Brueelia Keler 1936 (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), parasita de Turdus amaurochalinus Cabanis (Passeriformes: Muscicapidae)
A. Conrado Cicchino1986Notas sinonimias [sic] y hospedatorias referentes a las especies del genero Brueelia Keler 1936 (Phthiraptera Philopteridae) que parasitan Passeriformes de la familia Mimidae (Aves)
A. Conrado Cicchino1986Mallophaga nearctica I. Una nueva especie del genero Brueelia Keler, 1936 (Mallophaga, Philopteridae), probablemente parasita de Sturnella neglecta Audubon, 1844 (Aves, Passeriformes, Emberizidae, Icterinae)
A. Conrado Cicchino1986Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos. XIX. Cuatro nuevas especies del genero Brueelia Keler 1936 (Philopteridae) parasitas de especies de Turdus Linne 1758 (Aves, Passeriformes, Muscicapidae, Turdinae)
A. Conrado Cicchino1983Especies nuevas o poco conocidas del genero Brueelia Keler, 1936 (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) parasitas de Passeriformes, Piciformes y Trogoniformes (Aves) Americanos
A. Conrado Cicchino1982Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos XII. Cuatro nuevas especies del genero Brueelia Keler, 1936 (Mallophaga, Philopteridae) parasitas de Emberizidae y Tersinidae (Aves, Passeriformes)
A. Conrado Cicchino1981Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos. X. Cuatro nuevas especies del genero Brueelia Keler, 1936 parasitas de Furnariidae (Aves: Passeriformes)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith