
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
T. Clay1953Revisions of the genera of Mallophaga - I. The Rallicola-complex
W. W. G. Büttiker1953Docophorulus priniae, a new species of Mallophaga from Prinia flavicans (Priniidae, Aves)
E. F. Cook1953The trichodectid of the hog-nosed skunk, Conopatus leuconotus Lichtenstein (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae)
W. Eichler1953Neue oder wenig bekannte Haustierparasiten. I. Werneckiella equi asini nov. subsp. vom Esel
W. Eichler1953Mallophagen-Synopsis. XXIV. Genus Penenirmus (incl. Picophilopterus)
G. Timmermann1953Die Quadraceps-Arten (Mallophaga) der Regenpfeifer (Unterfamilie Charadriinae)
W. Eichler1953Neue oder wenig bekannte Haustierparasiten. II. Lipeurus caponis borcherti nov. subsp. vom Bankivahuhn
K. C. Emerson1953A new species of Carduiceps
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1953Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga. XII Part 2. Lice of the tinamous
L. R. Guimarães1953Sôbre alguns gêneros e espécies de Heptapsogastridae (Mallophaga) IV
E. Séguy1953Insectes Mallophages, Anoploures et Diptères recueilles par M. P. Paulian aux îles Kerguelen
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1953Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga. XII Part 1. Lice of the tinamous
W. Eichler1953Notulae Mallophagologicae. XII. Neue Menacanthinae
K. C. Emerson1953New North American Mallophaga
W. Eichler1953Von Alexander Koenig gesammelte Federlinge. I. Von Singvogeln und Spechten
G. Timmermann1953Die Federläuse des Säbeischnäblers
W. Eichler1953Mallophagen
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1953Neotropical Miscellany No. VI. New genus and species of Mallophaga
F. Balát1953Všenky rodu Actornithophilus Ferris 1916 z bahňáků
W. Eichler1953Mallophagen in Vogelnestern
G. H. E. Hopkins, Clay T.1953Additions and corrections to the checklist of Mallophaga
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith