
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Aguiar Amaral, de Mattos, jr., D. Garcia, Menezes, R. Caldas, Valim, M. Paiva2007Malófagos de galinhas-d angola (Numida meleagris, L. 1758) em criações extensivas no estado do Rio de Janeiro
M. Arzúa, Valim M. Paiva2010Bases para o estudo qualitativo e quantitativo de ectoparasitos em aves
T. A. Catanach, Johnson, K. P., Marks, B. D., Moyle, R. G., Valim, M. Paiva, Weckstein, J. D.2019Two lineages of kingfisher feather lice exhibit differing degrees of cospeciation with their hosts
T. A. Catanach, Valim, M. Paiva, Weckstein, J. D., Johnson, K. P.2018Cophylogenetic analysis of lice in the Colpocephalum complex (Phthiraptera: Amblycera)
A. Conrado Cicchino, Valim M. Paiva2015Notes on taxonomy and distribution of Myrsidea serini (séguy, 1944) (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae) on southern South American Passerine birds (Aves: Passeriformes)
A. Conrado Cicchino, Valim M. Paiva2008Three new species of Formicaphagus Carriker, 1957 (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae), parasitic on Thamnophilidae and Conopophagidae (Aves, Passeriformes)
F. A. Hernandes, Valim M. Paiva2006Two new species of the feather mite subfamily Pterodectinae(Acari: Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from Brazil
S. T. A. N. I. S. L. A. V. KOLENCIK, Johnson, K. P., Grant, A. R., Valim, M. Paiva, Kuabara, K. M. D., Weckstein, J. D., Allen, J. M.2022Molecular phylogenetics of the avian feather louse Philopterus-complex (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae)
S. T. A. N. I. S. L. A. V. KOLENCIK, Sychra, O., Papoušek, I., Kuabara, K. M. D., Valim, M. Paiva, Literák, I.2018New species and additional data on the chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from wild Neotropical Passeriformes (Aves)
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim M. Paiva2021Phthiraptera
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim, M. Paiva, Galloway, T. D.2020Description of the postembryonic stages of Mulcticola macrocephalus (Kellogg, 1896) (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera: Philopteridae)—CORRIGENDUM
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim, M. Paiva, Galloway, T. D.2020Description of the postembryonic stages of Mulcticola macrocephalus (Kellogg, 1896) (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera: Philopteridae)
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim, M. Paiva, Silveira, L. F.2023New records of chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) parasites of Brazilian Anhimidae, Threskiornithidae, and Aramidae (Aves)
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim, M. Paiva, Weckstein, J. D.2023Catalogue of type specimens of lice (Insecta: Psocodea: Phthiraptera) held in the Field Museum of Natural History louse collection
R. S. de_Moya, Allen, J. M., Sweet, A. D., Walden, K. K. O., Palma, R. L., Smith, V. Stuart, Cameron, S. L., Valim, M. Paiva, Galloway, T. D., Weckstein, J. D., Johnson, K. P.2019Extensive host-switching of avian feather lice following the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event
A. D. Sweet, Boyd, B. M., Allen, J. M., Villa, S. M., Valim, M. Paiva, Rivera-Parra, J. L., Wilson, R. E., Johnson, K. P.2018Integrating phylogenomic and population genomic patterns in avian lice provides a more complete picture of parasite evolution
M. Paiva Valim2013Three new species of Dennyus Neumann, 1906 (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Menoponidae) parasitic on swifts (Aves, Apodiformes, Apodidae) in Brazil
M. Paiva Valim2010Sistemática e análise cladística das espécies do gênero Gyropus Nitzsch (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Gyropidae)
M. Paiva Valim2009Type specimens of lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) held in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
M. Paiva Valim2006Craspedorrhynchus linardii, a new species of chewing louse (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from the Gray-headed Kite (Aves: Falconiformes: Accipitridae)
M. Paiva Valim2006Tyranniphilopterus caiolukasi sp. n. (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from the yellow-olive flycatcher (Aves: Tyrannidae), with observations on gut contents
M. Paiva Valim2006Some Phthiraptera (Insecta) parasitic on the Bucconidae and Galbulidae (Aves: Piciformes) of the [University of Brasilia] Experimental Farm, Brasília - Distrito Federal
M. Paiva Valim, Amorim, M., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2004Parasitismo por Acari e Phthiraptera em cobaios [Cavia Porcellus[sic!] (Linnaeus, 1758)] de ambientes rural e urbano nos municípios de Silva Jardim e Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
M. Paiva Valim, Becker, C. Maciel, da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2005Malófagos (Heptapsogasteridae) de Tinamiformes (Aves) encontrados em um novo hospedeiro [Crypturellus obsoletus (Temminck, 1815)] em petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
M. Paiva Valim, Cicchino A. Conrado2015Immature Stages of Chewing Lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from Neotropical Icteridae (Aves: Passeriformes), and Descriptions of Three New Species
M. Paiva Valim, Cicchino A. Conrado2015A remarkable new genus and a new species of chewing louse (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae) from Brazil
M. Paiva Valim, Cicchino A. Conrado2015Six new species of Myrsidea Waterston, 1915 (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from New World jays of the genus Cyanocorax Boie (Passeriformes: Corvidae), with notes on the chorionic structure of eggs
M. Paiva Valim, Lambrecht, F. M., Vianna, É. E. S.2009New records of chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) from birds of southern Brazil, with description of a new species
M. Paiva Valim, Linardi P. Marcos2008A taxonomic catalog, including host and geographic distribution, of the species of the genus Gyropus Nitzsch (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Gyropidae)
M. Paiva Valim, Linardi P. Marcos2007Description of the male of Mayriphilopterus nystalicus Mey, 2004 (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae)
M. Paiva Valim, Linardi P. Marcos2006Two new species of Picicola Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1938 (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Piciformes (Bucconidae and Galbulidae) in Brazil
M. Paiva Valim, Botão-Miranda R. A.2005Occurrence of Pseudomenopon pilosum (Scopoli, 1763) (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) in Brazil
M. Paiva Valim, Palma R. L.2015A new genus and two new species of feather lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from New Zealand endemic passerines (Aves: Passeriformes)
M. Paiva Valim, Palma R. L.2013Three new species of the genus Philopteroides Mey, 2004 (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae) from New Zealand
M. Paiva Valim, Palma R. L.2007The Correct Identity of a Louse Sample (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from the Roadside Hawk, Rupornis magnirostris (Gmelin) (Falconiformes: Accipitridae)
M. Paiva Valim, Palma R. L.2006A new species of Brueelia Kéler, 1936 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from the blue-black grassquit (Aves: Passeriformes: Emberizidae) in Brazil
M. Paiva Valim, Raposa, M. A., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2006Associations between chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) and albatrosses and petrels (Aves, Procellariiformes) collected in Brazil
M. Paiva Valim, Reiley B. M.2015The Chewing Lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) Fauna of the Swainson’s Warbler, Limnothlypis swainsonii (Aves, Parulidae)
M. Paiva Valim, da Serra-Freire N. Maués2003New records of Amblycera and Ischnocera (Phthiraptera) on Turdus rufiventris (Vieillot, 1818) from Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
M. Paiva Valim, Serra-Freire, R. T., Fonseca, M. A., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2004Níveis de enzootia por ectoparasitos em amostras de rolinha (Columbina talpacoti (Temminck, 1810)) no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
M. Paiva Valim, da Silva, L. Helena Mor, Amorim, M., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2004Encontro de Spheniscus magellanicus (Forster, 1781) (Aves: Sphenisciformes) parasitado por Austrogoniodes bifasciatus (Piaget, 1885) (Ischnocera: Philopteridae) na região dos lagos, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
M. Paiva Valim, Silveira L. F.2014A new species and five new records of chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from an isolated population of the solitary tinamou Tinamus solitarius (Aves: Tinamiformes)
M. Paiva Valim, Teixeira, R. H. F., Amorim, M., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2005Mallophaga (Phthiraptera) collected from wild birds in the São Paulo zoo, SP, Brasil
M. Paiva Valim, Weckstein J. D.2013A drop in the bucket of the megadiverse chewing louse genus Myrsidea (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Menoponidae): ten new species from Amazonian Brazil
M. Paiva Valim, Weckstein J. D.2012A New Genus and Species of Philopteridae (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from the Trumpeters (Aves: Gruiformes: Psophiidae)
A. Villalobos-Moreno, Vera-Valdivieso, D. C., Hoyos-García, W., Valim, M. Paiva, Arcila-Quiceno, V. H.2020Ectoparasites of Coragyps atratus (Bechstein, 1793) (Accipitriformes: Cathartidae) on Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith