
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
S. Chandra, Agarwal, G. P., Singh, S. P. N., Saxena, A. Kumar1990Seasonal changes in a population of Menacanthus eurysternus (Mallophaga, Amblycera) on the common myna Acridotheres tristis
J. W. Mertins, Schlater J. L.1991Exotic ectoparasites of ostriches recently imported into the United States
P. Volf1991Postembryonal development of mycetocytes and symbionts of the spiny rat louse Polyplax spinulosa
J. S. Eagleson, Thompson, D. R., Scott, P. G., Cramer, L. G.1993Efficacy of ivermectin jetting fluid for control of the sheep biting louse (Damalinia ovis)
P. Bates1993Alternative methods for the control of sheep scab
Ddel Carmen Castro, Abrahamovich, A. H., Cicchino, A. Conrado, Figoni, A. M., Raffaeli, C., Debarrio, A.1994Prevalence and seasonal variation of Pediculosis capitis in the population under 16 year of age of the health region of Buenos Aires, Argentina
G. W. Levot1994Pyrethroid synergism by piperonyl butoxide in Bovicola ovis (Schrank) (Phthiraptera, Trichodectidae)
P. Volf1994Localization of the major immunogen and other glycoproteins of the louse Polyplax spinulosa
P. K. S. Huh Sun, Kook, J., Chai, J. - Y., Pai, K. - S.1994Infestation rate of lice in patients in a mental hospital, Seoul, Korea
P. L. M. Lee, Clayton D. H.1995Population biology of swift (Apus apus) ectoparasites in relation to host reproductive success
A. C. G. Heath, Cole, D. J. W., Bishop, D. M., Pfeffer, A., Cooper, S. M., Risdon, P.1995Preliminary investigations into the etiology and treatment of cockle, a sheep pelt defect
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1995Kinetic disposition of an emulsifiable concentrate formulation of deltamethrin applied to sheep in a plunge-dip and its effect on lice
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Hemingway, J., Miller, J., Ioffe-Uspensky, I., Klaus, S., Ben-Ishai, F., Galun, R.1995Permethrin resistance in the head louse Pediculus capitis from Israel
W. Y. Son, Pai, K. - S., Huh, S.1995Comparison of two modes of mass delousing in schoolchildren
R. H. Vander Stichele, Dezeure, E. M., Bogaert, M. G.1995Systematic review of clinical efficacy of topical treatments for head lice
R. H. Vander Stichele, Dezeure, E. M., Bogaert, M. G.1995Systematic review of clinical efficacy of topical treatments for head lice. authors' reply
J. Llinas, Jimenez M. Luisa1996First record of a louse fly, Stilbometopa impressa (Bigot), and new host for Microlynchia pusilla (Speiser) (Hippoboscidae) from the Cape Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico
J. O. Ochanda, Mumcuoglu, K. Y., Ben-Yakir, D., Okuru, J. K., Oduol, V. O., Galun, R.1996Characterization of body louse midgut proteins recognized by resistant hosts
D. M. Tompkins, Jones, T., Clayton, D. H.1996Effect of vertically transmitted ectoparasites on the reproductive success of swifts (Apus apus)
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1997Kinetic disposition of an aqueous formulation of alphacypermethrin applied to the dorsal mid-line of sheep with long wool and its effect on lice
J. Pequin1997Pediculosis due to Trimenopon in a guinea pig
D. W. Watson, Lloyd, J. E., Kumar, R.1997Density and distribution of cattle lice (Phthiraptera: Haematopinidae, Linognathidae, Trichodectidae) on six steers
M. D. Soler-Cruz, Martín-Mateo M. Paz1998Sensory equipment of the antennal flagellum of several species of Damalinia (Phthiraptera : Trichodectidae)
S. Solt1998Lice (Phthiraptera : Amblycera, Ischnocera) of raptors in Hungarian zoos and rehabilitation centers
A. Darwish, Hennessy, D. R., Maxwell, C. A.1999Production and oxidation of wool grease after shearing
A. S. Milnes, Green L. E.1999Prevalence of lice on dairy cattle in England and the bordering counties of Wales
P. E. Kaufman, Rutz, D. A., Doscher, M. E., Albright, R.2001Efficacy of chlorfenapyr (AC 303630) experimental pour-on and CyLence formulations against naturally acquired louse infestations on cattle in New York
I. K. Marshall2003A morphological phylogeny for four families of amblyceran lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae, Boopidae, Laemobothriidae, Ricinidae)
S. Maria Mend Ahid, de Oliveira, M. Franco, Suassuna, A. Carla Dió2008Ectoparasitism by Struthiolipeurus rheae (Harrison, 1916) (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) on American Rhea, Rhea americana (Rheiformes: Rheidae) in captive conditions in the municipality of Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Z. Vas, Rékási, J., Rózsa, L.2012A checklist of lice of Hungary (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
B. DIK, MUZ, M. Necati, ÜSTÜNER, T.2015A New Louse Species: Aegypoecus guralpi sp. n. (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from a Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus)
B. Dik, Uslu U.2018Ectoparasites of hares (Lepus europaeus Pallas) in Konya Province, Turkey
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith