
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Anonymous1948Control of lice and mites of poultry
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J. E. Alicata1948Introduction
J. E. Alicata, Kartman, L., Fisher, H. I.1948Wild birds as possible carriers of poultry parasites
J. E. Alicata, Kartman, L., Nishida, T., Palafox, A. L.1948DDT-Lethane spray in the control of lice and mites of chickens
R. M. Anderson, May R. M.1982Coevolution of hosts and parasites
J. A. Arkwright, Bacot A. W.1921A bacillary infection of the copulatory apparatus of Pediculus humanus
M. Aschner1934Studies on the symbiosis of the body louse. I. Elimination of the symbionts by centrifugation of the eggs
A. W. Bacot1917A contribution to the bionomics of Pediculus humanus (vestimenti) and Pediculus capitus
A. W. Bacot, Linzell L.1919The incubation period of the eggs of Haematopinus asini
A. Balfour1922Observations on wild rats in England with an account of their ecto- and endoparasites
G. A. H. Bedford1932Trichodectidae (Mallophaga) found on African Carnivora
G. A. H. Bedford1931Descriptions of three new species of Tetrophthalmus (Mallophaga) found on pelicans
G. A. H. Bedford1927Description of a new genus and species of Anoplura (Lemurphthirus galagus) from a lemur
G. A. H. Bedford1920Mallophaga from South African birds. Descriptions of a new genus (Neomenopon) and two new species (Machaerilaemus plocei, Neomenopon pteroclurus)
V. M. Bowles, Young, A. R., Barker, S. C.2008Metalloproteases and egg-hatching in Pediculus humanus, the body (clothes) louse of humans (Phthiraptera: Insecta)
T. Clay1941A new genus and species of Mallophaga
T. Clay, Meinertzhagen R.1943The relationship between Mallophaga and hippoboscid flies
D. H. Clayton, Tompkins D. M.1995Comparative effects of mites and lice on the reproductive success of rock doves (Columba livia)
H. D. Crofton1971A quantitative approach to parasitism
G. Floyd Ferris1933A new species of Polyplax (Anoplura)
G. Floyd Ferris1931The louse of elephants, Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Mallophaga: Haematomyzidae)
G. Floyd Ferris1928The mallophagan family Menoponidae. Part 3
G. Floyd Ferris1926The Mallophagan family Menoponidae. Part 2
G. Floyd Ferris1924The mallophagan family Menoponidae. Part 1
G. Floyd Ferris1922The mallophagan family Trimenoponidae
K. P. Hajela, Tandan B. Kishore1967Two new species of Ardeicola Clay, 1935 (Mallophaga, Ischnocera), from African ibises
L. J. S. Harrison1915The respiratory system of Mallophaga
L. J. S. Harrison1915Mallophaga from Apteryx, and their significance; with a note on the genus Rallicola
L. J. S. Harrison1915On a new family and five new genera of Mallophaga
L. J. S. Harrison, Johnston T. H.1916Mallophaga from marsupials. 1
R. B. Heisch, Garnham P. C. C.1947The transmission of Spirochaeta duttoni Novy & Knapp by Pediculus humanus corporis de Geer
R. B. Heisch, Harvey A. E. C.1962The development of Spirochaeta duttoni and S. recurrentis in Pediculus humanus
L. Hill1922Three new species of Trichodectes from Cephalophus monticola and Procavia capensis from South Africa
F. M. Howlett1917Notes on head- and body-lice and upon temperature reactions of lice and mosquitoes
J. A. Jackson1999Analysis of parasite host-switching: limitations on the use of phylogenies
D. Jones1998The neglected saliva: medically important toxins in the saliva of human lice
L. Kartman1948The relation of nutrition to ectoparasites of chickens and rats
D. Keilin, Nuttall G. H. F.1930Iconographic studies of Pediculus humanus
D. Keilin, Nuttall G. H. F.1919Relations of head and body lice of man
S. D. Keilin, Nuttall G. H. F.1919Hermaphroditism and other abnormalities in Pediculus humanus
K. Chung Kim1968Two new species of the sucking lice (Hoplopleuridae, Anoplura) from Rattus (Muridae, Rodentia) in Thailand
K. Chung Kim1966A new species of Hoplopleura from Thailand, with notes and description of nymphal stages of Hoplopleura captiosa Johnson (Anoplura)
K. Chung Kim, Weisser C. F.1974Taxonomy of Solenopotes Enderlein, 1904, with redescription of Linognathus panamensis Ewing (Linognathidae: Anoplura)
B. R. Krasnov, Mouillot, D., Khokhlova, I. S., Shenbrot, G. I., Poulin, R.2005Covariance in species diversity and facilitation among non-interactive parasite taxa: all against the host
J. Krištofík, Darolová, A., Hoi, C., Hoi, H.2007Determinants of population biology of the chewing louse Brueelia apiastri (Mallophaga, Philopteridae) on the European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
T. Lehmann1992Ectoparasite impacts on Gerbillus andersoni allenbyi under natural conditions
K. Mellanby1942Natural populations of the head-louse (Pediculus humanus capitis: Anoplura) on infected children in England
A. C. Mishra, Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1972Hoplopleura ramgarh sp. nov. and Hoplopleura sinhgarh sp. nov. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), parasitizing Mus spp. (Rodentia: Muridae) in India
D. Mukerji, Sen-Sarma P.1955Anatomy and affinity of the elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Insecta: Rhyncophthiraptera) [sic]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith