
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Haddow1957Unusual Ectoparasites on a Warthog
G. T. Baker, Chandrapatya A.1992Sensilla on the mouthparts and antennae of the elephant louse, Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Phthiraptera: Haematomyzidae)
O. Castellani1953Principali insetti dannosi, utili ed innocui alle piante, agli animali domestici ed all'uomo. 8th. Ed.
T. Clay1963A new species of Haematomyzus Piaget (Phthiraptera, Insecta)
W. Eichler1953Ektoparasiten von Zootieren II. Haematomyzus, die Elefantenlaus
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1988A new species of Haematomyzus (Mallophaga: Haematomyzidae) off the bush pig, Potamochoerus porcus, from Ethiopia, with comments on lice found on pigs
H. Fahrenholz1916Über Haematomyzus elephantis
H. Fahrenholz1910Neue Läuse
H. Fahrenholz1910Diagnosen neuer Anopluren
G. Floyd Ferris1931The louse of elephants, Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Mallophaga: Haematomyzidae)
H. Geiler1960Die Laus des Elefanten
H. Hoogstraal1958The elephant louse, Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget, 1809, on wild African, elephants and warthogs
T. E. Houdemer1938Liste des hôtes et de leurs parasites
V. Hypša, Křížek J.2007Molecular Evidence for Polyphyletic Origin of the Primary Symbionts of Sucking Lice (Phthiraptera, Anoplura)
M. H. Jeu, Jiang F. M.1990[Morphological study of the adult stage of the elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis with light and scanning electron microscopy (Insecta: Rhynchophthiraptera)]
F. Lahille1908El piojo y la elefantia, Haematomyzus paradoxiis Lahille
K. V. Lakshminarayana1979A synoptic list of Mallophaga sens. lat. (Phthiraptera: Insecta) from India and adjacent countries together with host and regional indices
K. V. Lakshminarayana, Pradhan K. S.1968A checklist of Mallophaga from India and adjacent countries
M. A. Lieftinck1936Over Haematomyzus elephatis Piaget
E. Mjöberg1910Studien über Mallophagen und Anopluren
D. Mukerji, Sen-Sarma P.1955Anatomy and affinity of the elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Insecta: Rhyncophthiraptera) [sic]
E. Piaget1869Description d'un parasite de l'elephant, Haematomyzus elephantis
R. S. Raghavan, Reddy, K. R., Khan, G. A.1968Dermatitis in elephants caused by the louse Haematomyzus elephantis (Piagot,[sic] 1869)
E. T. M. Reid1954A further record of Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget (Rhincophthirina[sic]) from a wild african elephant
H. C. Richter1871Idolocoris elephantis Walker
M. Sugimoto1930On the elephant louse (Haematomyzus proboscideus Piaget 1880)
H. Weber1939Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Überordnung Psocoidea. 6. Lebendbeobachtungen an der Elefantenlaus Haematomyzus, nebst vergleichenden Betrachtungen überdie Lage des Embryos in Ei und das Auskriechen
H. Weber1939Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Überordnung Psocoidea. 5. Zur Eiablage und Entwicklung der Elefantenlaus Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget
H. Weber1969Die elefantenlaus Haematomyzus elefantis Piaget. Versuch einer konstruktionsmorphologischen analyse
F. B. White1871The new elephant parasite
R. Wyninger1951Betrachtung über die Wirtsspezifität und geographische Verbreitung der Elephantenlaus Haematomyzus elephantis
J. Yamashita, Nakamata M.1955Morphological description of the elephant louse Haematomyzus elephantis Piaget, 1869 (Mallophaga: Haematomyzidae)
R. Zinkernagel Mühlethaler,1945Haematomyzus elephantis
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith