
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
M. D. Murray1987Arthropods--the pelage of mammals as an environment
M. D. Murray, Edwards J. E.1987Bacteria in the food of the biting louse of sheep, Damalinia ovis
M. D. Murray, Gordon G.1969Ecology of lice on sheep. VII. Population dynamics of Damlinia ovis (Schrank)
M. D. Murray1968Ecology of lice on sheep.VI. The influence of shearing and solar radiation on populations and transmissions of Damlinia ovis
M. D. Murray1958Ecology of the louse Lepidophthirus macrorhini Enderlein 1904 on the elephant seal Mirounga leonina (L.)
M. D. Murray1987Effects of host grooming on louse populations
M. D. Murray1962Efficiency of insecticides against the sheep body louse (Damalinia ovis)
M. D. Murray1955Infestation of sheep with the face louse (Linognathus ovillus)
M. D. Murray1963Influence of temperature on the reproduction of Damalina equi (Denny).
M. D. Murray1955Oviposition in lice with reference to Damalinia ovis
M. D. Murray, Nicholls D. G.1965Studies on the ectoparasites of seals and penguins. I. The ecology of the louse Lepidophthirus macrorhini Enderlein on the Southern Seal, Mirounga leonina (L.)
M. D. Murray, Smith, M. S. R., Soucek, Z.1965Studies on the ectoparasites of seals and penguins. II. The ecology of the louse Antarcophthirus ogmorhini Enderlein on the Wedell seal, Leptonychotes wedelli Lesson
B. Clinton Nelson, Murray M. D.1971The distribution of Mallophaga on the domestic pigeon (Columba livia)
M. D. Murray1957The distribution of the eggs of mammalian lice on their hosts I. Description of the oviposition behaviour
M. D. Murray1957The distribution of the eggs of mammalian lice on their hosts II. Analysis of the oviposition behaviour of Damalinia ovis (L.) on the sheep
M. D. Murray1957The distribution of the eggs of mammalian lice on their hosts III. The distribution of the eggs of Damalinia ovis (L.) on the sheep
M. D. Murray1957The distribution of the eggs of mammalian lice on their hosts IV. The distribution of the eggs of Damalinia equi (Denny) and Haematopinus asini (L.) on the horse
M. D. Murray1963The ecology of lice on lice on sheep. V. Influence of heavy rain on populations of Damalinia ovis (L.)
M. D. Murray1960The ecology of lice on sheep. I. The influence of skin temperature on populations of Linognathus pedalis (Osborne)
M. D. Murray1960The ecology of lice on sheep. II. The influence of temperature and humidity on the development and hatching of the eggs of Damlinia ovis (L.)
M. D. Murray1963The ecology of lice on sheep. III. Differences between the biology of Linognathus pedalis (Osborn) and L. ovillus (Neumann)
M. D. Murray1963The ecology of lice on sheep. IV. The establishment and maintenance of populations of Linognathus ovillus (Neumann)
M. D. Murray1961The ecology of the louse Polyplax serrata (Burm.) on the mouse Mus musculus L.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith