
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
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S. Barik-Abi, Davari, B., Nasirian, H.2022Investigation of Factors Affecting Head Lice (Pediculus Humanus Capitis) Infestation Prevalence and Evaluation of Permethrin 1% and Dimethicone 4% for Its Treatment in Primary Girl Students in Doroud County
H. T. Al-Barrak2021Prevalence of Head Lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) among Primary School Children in Baghdad Suburbs
G. Bekri, Sarbakhsh, P., Allahverdipour, H., Shaghaghi, A.2022Children’s Perception Scale of Head Lice Infestation (CPS-HLI): Design and Psychometrics
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D. M. Bland, Long, D., Rosenke, R., B. Hinnebusch, J.2024Yersinia pestis can infect the Pawlowsky glands of human body lice and be transmitted by louse bite
V. M. Bowles, Hanegraaf, S., Ahveninen, T., Sidgiddi, S., Allenby, K., Alsop, H.2019Effect of a New Head Lice Treatment, Abametapir Lotion, 0.74%, on Louse Eggs: A Randomized, Double-Blind Study
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I. F. Burgess, Burgess N. A.2020‘‘Anti-lice Protector Shampoo’’: Clinical Study Shows Lack of Efficacy of Coconut Oil Derivatives in the Elimination of Head Louse Infestation
N. Castelletti, Barbarossa M. Vittoria2020Deterministic approaches for head lice infestations and treatments
N. Castelletti, Barbarossa M. Vittoria2019A mathematical view on head lice infestations
O. Chosidow, Bernigaud, C., Do-Pham, G.2018High-dose ivermectin in malaria and other parasitic diseases: a new step in the development of a neglected drug
S. J. Coates, Thomas, C., Chosidow, O., Engelman, D., Chang, A. Y.2020Ectoparasites: Pediculosis and tungiasis
S. Coscione, Kositz, C., Marks, M.2017Head Lice: An Under-Recognized Tropical Problem
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S. Degerli, Malatyali, E., Celiksoz, A., Ozcelik, S., Mumcuoglu, K. Y.2013The prevalence of Pediculus humanus capitis and the coexistence of intestinal parasites among young children in boarding schools in Sivas, Turkey.
H. Feldmeier2021Typhus in the Warsaw Ghetto 1940-1942: how an epidemic increased exponentially, was abated and eventually disappeared
L. Martínez Fernández, Puig_Algora, G., Bajona_Roig, M., Bacchini, G.2021Effectiveness and tolerability of a squalane and dimethicone-based treatment for head lice
N. Hussin Ftattet, Gloos F. Ahmad2022Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) infestation and the role of health education in limiting its spread among children in primary-school in Misurata, Libya.
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F. G. Galassi, Picollo, M. Inés, González-Audino, P.2020Head Louse Feces: Chemical Analysis and Behavioral Activity
A. Gallardo, Mougabure-Cueto, G. A., Vassena, C. V., Picollo, M. Inés, Toloza, A. Ceferino2012Comparative efficacy of new commercial pediculicides against adults and eggs of Pediculus humanus capitis (head lice)
H. A. Al-Ghadeer, Busaleh, F., Albahrani, H. M., Albisher, A. M., AlHassan, A., AlAmer, H. M., Alibrahim, H. M., Alherz, A. H., Al-Muaibid, A. F., Aljubran, T. M.2022Pediculosis Is a Risk Factor for Iron Deficiency Anaemia
F. Golkar, Behbahani A.2021The Prevalence of Pediculosis in Behbahan County From 2017 to 2018
K. A. Greive, Barnes T. M.2018The efficacy of Australian essential oils for the treatment of head lice infestation in children: A randomised controlled trial
D. R. Gustafsson, Tian, C., Ren, M., Li, Z., Sun, X., Zou, F.2024Two new species of Craspedorrhynchus Kéler, 1938, (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from Chinese birds of prey (Accipitriformes)
A. Haghighizadeh, Mortezanejad, S. Azadeh Fal, Dadpour, S., Rajabi, O.2022Evaluation of Anti-lice Topical Lotion of Ozonated Olive Oil and Comparisonof its Effect with Permethrin Shampoo
A. Ahmed Hama, Sdiq, H. S., Mohammed, A. M., Ahmed, A. I., Esmail, S. K., Hama, H. A., Esmail, S. K.2020Epidemiology and Molecular Aspect of pediculosis among Primary School Children in Sulaimani Province Kurdistan-Iraq
L. Hamedanian, Salmani-Nadoshan, M. Reza, Vatandoost, H., Baniardalani, M., Rafinejad, J.2022Evaluation of Efficiency of Ivermectin Lotion in Comparison with Permethrin Shampoo and Dimethicone Lotion for Treatment of Head Lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) in Areas Covered by Health Centers of Islamshahr City, Tehran, Iran in 2019
A. Hammoud, Louni, M., Baldé, M. Cellou, Beavogui, A. Habib, Gautret, P., Raoult, D., Fenollar, F., Misse, D., Mediannikov, O.2021Molecular Characterization and Genetic Diversity of Haplogroup E Human Lice in Guinea, West Africa
A. Hammoud, Louni, M., Fenollar, F., Bassene, H., Sambou, M., Duclos, N., Diatta, G., Sokhna, C., Levasseur, A., Raoult, D., Mediannikov, O.2023Bartonella quintana Transmitted by Head Lice: An Outbreak of Trench Fever in Senegal
J. Heukelbach, Wolf, D., J. Clark, M., Dautel, H., Roeschmann, K.2019High efficacy of a dimeticone-based pediculicide following a brief application: in vitro assays and randomized controlled investigator-blinded clinical trial
S. K. Hurst, Dotson, J. Ann Walsh, Butterfield, P., Corbett, C. F., Oneal, G.2020Stigma resulting from head lice infestation: A concept analysis and implications for public health
J. Ibarra, Fry, F., Wickenden, C., Jenner, M., Franks, A.2009The impact of well-developed preventative strategies on the eradication of head lice
F. Jahangiri2017Case report: a new method for treatment of permethrin - resistant head lice
E. Jahanifard, Ghofleh_Maramazi, H., Sharififard, M., Mahmoodi_Sourestani, M., Saki-Malehi, A., Maraghi, E., Rasaei, S.2022Pediculicidal Activity of Foeniculum vulgare Essential Oil in Treatment of Pediculus capitis as a Public Health Problem
M. - H. Jégou, Dubois A.2021Pediculus humanus capitis


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith