
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
I. T. Arzamasov, Kraevskaya, L. I., Labetskaya, A. G.1980Ectoparasites of the mouse like rodents occurring in oak woods with hornbeam and oxalis in the Byelorussian Polessye
E. L. Berman, Carter, H. W., Brodkin, R.1980Scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy of the crab louse (Pthirus pubis) egg
A. P. L. Callinan1980Effects of artificially induced infestations of the cattle louse, Linognathus vituli
T. - H. Chin1980The description of a new species and proposal of new families and new suborderfor the lice of Typhlomys cinereus Milne-Edwards
T. - H. Chin1980Studies on Chinese Anoplura II. A new Species of the Family Ratemiidae
T. - H. Chin1980Studies on Chinese Anoplura V. The Polyplacid Genera Polyplax, Haemodipsus, and Sathrax
T. - H. Chin1980Studies on Chinese Anoplura I. Haematopinidae and Linognathidae
T. - H. Chin1980The description of two new species and proposal of new families and new suborder for the lice of Typhlomys cinereus Milne-Edwards. Studies on Chinese Anoplura IV
T. - H. Chin1980A historical Review and Prospect of the Studies of Sucking Lice in China
V. J. Gibney, Campbell I. B.1980Effects of ariboflavinosis on populations of Polypalx spinulosa (Burmeister). (Anoplura: Haematopinidae) in artificially infested albino rats
R. Haitlinger1980Arthropods occurring on Mustela nivalis L., 1766 and Mustela putorius L., 1758 in Poland
M. A. J. Khan, Khanum Z.1980Neohaematopinus qadrii, new species parasitizing Funambulus pennanti Wroughton
C. H. C. Lyal1980Insects of Saudi Arabia: Anoplura
R. Ramchurn1980Observations on the life cycle of Lingnathus stenopsis
W. M. Samuel, Grinnell, E. R., Kennedy, A. J.1980Ectoparasites (Mallophaga, Anoplura, Acari) on Mule Deer, Odoceulus hemionus, and White-tailed Deer, Odoceulus virgianus, of Alberta, Canada
K. - F. Teng1980Sucking Lice of the Genus Hoplopleura from China (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae)
R. A. Ward1980Pathogens of Anoplura and Mallophaga (Lice)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith