
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
A. Popinga, Demastes, J. W., Spradling, T. A., Hafner, D. J., Hafner, M. S.2019Host-parasite associations of the Cratogeomys fumosus species group and their chewing lice, Geomydoecus
D. J. Hafner, Hafner, M. S., Spradling, T. A., Light, J. E., Demastes, J. W.2019Temporal and spatial dynamics of competitive parapatry in chewing lice
J. W. Demastes, Hafner, D. J., Hafner, M. S., Light, J. E., Spradling, T. A.2019Loss of genetic diversity, recovery and allele surfing in a colonizing parasite, Geomydoecus aurei
J. E. Light, Hafner M. S.2008Codivergence in Heteromyid Rodents (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) and Their Sucking Lice of the Genus Fahrenholzia (Phthiraptera: Anoplura)
J. E. Light, Hafner M. S.2007Cophylogeny and disparate rates of evolution in sympatric lineages of chewing lice on pocket gophers
J. E. Light, Hafner M. S.2007Phylogenetics and host associations of Fahrenholzia sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura)
M. S. Hafner, Demastes, J. W., Spradling, T. A., Reed, D. L.2003Cophylogeny between pocket gophers and chewing lice
D. L. Reed, Hafner M. S.2002Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial communities associated with ectoparasitic chewing lice of pocket gophers: A culture-independent approach
S. Morand, Hafner, M. S., Page, R. D. M., Reed, D. L.2000Comparative body size relationships in pocket gophers and their chewing lice
D. L. Reed, Hafner, M. S., Allen, S. K.2000Mammalian hair diameter as a possible mechanism for host specialization in chewing lice
D. L. Reed, Hafner, M. S., Allen, S. K., Smith, M. B.2000Spatial partitioning of host habitat by chewing lice of the genera Geomydoecus and Thomomydoecus (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae)
J. W. Demastes, Hafner, M. S., Hafner, D. J., Spradling, T. A.1998Pocket gophers and chewing lice: a test of the maternal transmission hypothesis
D. L. Reed, Hafner M. S.1997Host specificity of chewing lice on pocket gophers: a potential mechanism for cospeciation
M. S. Hafner, Page R. D. M.1995Molecular phylogenies and host-parasite cospeciation: gophers and lice as a model system
M. S. Hafner, Sudman, P. D., Villablanca, F. X., Spradling, T. A., Demastes, J. W., Nadler, S. A.1994Disparate rates of molecular evolution in cospeciating hosts and parasites
J. W. Demastes, Hafner M. S.1993Cospeciation of pocket gophers (Geomys) and their chewing lice (Geomydoecus)
S. A. Nadler, Hafner M. S.1993Systematic relationships among pocket gopher chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) inferred from electrophoretic data
S. A. Nadler, Hafner, M. S., Hafner, J. C., Hafner, D. J.1990Genetic differentiation amoung chewing louse populations (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) in a pocket gopher contact zone (Rodentia: Geomyidae)
S. A. Nadler, Hafner M. S.1989Genetic differentiation in sympatric species of chewing lice (Mallophaga, Trichodectidae)
M. S. Hafner, Nadler S. A.1988Phylogenetic trees support the coevolution of parasites and their hosts
R. D. Price, Hellenthal, R. A., Hafner, M. S.1985The Geomydoecus (Mallophaga, Trichodectidae) from the central American pocket gophers of the subgenus Macrogeomys (Rodentia, Geomyidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith