
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
C. Conci1951Mallophaga
D. B. Conn, Fleming M. M.1976Parasites of Sciurus carolinensis in Bradley County, Tennessee
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J. Rafael Contreraa, Castro, Ddel Carmen, Cicchino, A. Conrado1999Relaciones de los Phthiraptera (Insecta, Amblycera, Gyropidae) con la evolución taxonómica de los roedores del género Ctenomys (Mammalia: Rodentia, Caviomorpha: Ctenomyidae)
H. N. Contreras, M. Garcia, I., E. Correa, V.2001Hair infestation by Phthirus pubis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
E. F. Cook1958Hoplopleura acanthopus, on Microtus pennsylvanicus, H. hesperomydis on Peromyscus maniculatus, seasonal variation in louse population
E. F. Cook1953The trichodectid of the hog-nosed skunk, Conopatus leuconotus Lichtenstein (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae)
E. F. Cook, Beer J. R.1959The immature stages of the genus Hoplopleura (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) in North America, with descriptions of two new species
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J. Cooreman1955Note sur la faune des Anoplura de Congo Belge
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O. Brewern Cope1940The morphology of Esthiopterum diomedeae (Fabricius) (Mallophaga)
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G. S. Cowles1974Parasites identified from birds collected
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J. Coz, Combescot-Lang, C., Verdier, V.1993Resistance of head louse Pediculus capitis L. 1758 to pyrethroids: d-phenothrin and permethrin in France
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S. Crawford, James, P. J., Maddocks, S.2001Survival away from sheep and alternative methods of transmission of sheep lice (Bovicola ovis)
D. B. Crockett1967A method for collecting feather lice (Mallophaga)
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R. H. Cruickshank, Johnson, K. P., Smith, V. Stuart, Adams, R. J., Clayton, D. H., Page, R. D. M.2001Phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of Elongation Factor 1alpha identifies major groups of lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
C. M. Crutchfield, Hixson H.1943Food habits of several species of poultry lice with special reference to blood consumption
M. M. Crystal1958The mechanism of transmission of Haemobartonella muris (Mayer) of rats by the spined rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa (Burmeister)
M. M. Crystal1949A descriptive study of the life history stages of the dog biting louse, Trichodectes canis (DeGeer) (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae)
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G. H. Culpepper1948Rearing and maintaining a laboratory colony of body lice on rabbits
G. H. Culpepper1946Factors influencing the rearing and maintenance of a laboratory colony of the body louse
G. H. Culpepper1946Rearing body lice on rabbits
G. H. Culpepper1944The rearing and maintance of a laboratory colony of the body louse


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith