
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. B. Thompson1936Three new genera of Mallophaga (Subfam. Esthiopterinae)
G. B. Thompson1936Black bird heavily infested...
G. B. Thompson1936The parasites of british birds and mammals. [V] IV. Records on mammal parasites
G. B. Thompson1936The parasites of british birds and mammals. VI. Some parasites of the red deer and wild cat
G. B. Thompson1936Mallophaga on a bird's egg
G. B. Thompson1936The parasites of british birds and mammals. IX. A bibliography of papers containing records of Mallophaga (biting lice) from birds and mammals
G. B. Thompson1936Some additional records of an association between Hippoboscidae and Mallophaga, together with a bibliography of the previous records
G. B. Thompson1936Some new records of the occurrence of Myialges spp. (Acarina). 1. A new record of Microlichus uncus Vitzthum (Acarina)
G. B. Thompson1936The parasites of british birds and mammals. X. Records of Mallophaga from birds
G. B. Thompson1936A checklist of the Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae parasitic on british birds and mammals
G. B. Thompson1936Mallophaga on sickly birds
G. B. Thompson1935New genera of Mallophaga. I. Rhynonirmus n. gen.
G. B. Thompson1935Notes on Mallophaga III. The synonomy of the species of Philopterus occuring on british Corvidae. On the present status of the two species described by Uchida in his paper "Bird infesting Mallophaga of Japan" III
G. B. Thompson1935I. Two further records of the association of Hippoboscidae and Mallophaga. II An anthocorid bug feeding on Dermanyssus gallinae (Redi)
G. B. Thompson1935The parasites of british birds and mammals. IV [actual V]. Records of mammal parasites
G. B. Thompson1935Notes on Mallophaga II. Genus Pseudonirmus Mjöberg, Genus Trabeculus Rudow
G. B. Thompson1935Preliminary descriptions of three new genera of Mallophaga (subfamily Esthiopterinae)
G. B. Thompson1935A new genus of Mallophaga allied to Pseudonirmus Mjöberg, together with a note on the genus Naubates Bedford (Subfamily Esthiopterinae)
G. B. Thompson1935Notes on Mallophaga. IV. On the species described by Macalister (1869, 1871) Ancistrona procellariae Westwood, 1874
G. B. Thompson1935Notes on Mallophaga I. On the two species described by Kistiakowsky, Tetrophthalmus bursaepelecanae Perry 1876
G. B. Thompson1934The parasites of british birds and mammals. I. Notes and records.
G. B. Thompson1934Association of Siphonaptera with Mallophaga
G. B. Thompson1933Association of Hippoboscids with lice
G. B. Thompson, Plomley N. J. B.1938A list of the insect ectoparasites recorded from Australian birds and mammals
Spencer, G. J.1938Letter to Thompson,Gordon B.
G. B. Thompson1938Letter to Spencer,George J.
G. B. Thompson1938Letter to Spencer,George J.
Spencer, G. J.1938Letter to Thompson,Gordon B.
G. B. Thompson1938Letter to Spencer,George J.
Spencer, G. J.1937Letter to Thompson, Gordon B.
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R. P. Thompson1968A survey of ectoparasite infestations on poultry flocks in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
R. P. Thompson, Hosking W. F.1957A count of Mallophaga on a heavily infested hen
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J. E. Thornton, Galvin, T. J., Bell, R. R.1973Parasites of the blackbuck antelope (Antilope cervicapra) in Texas
P. W. Thorold1963Observations on the control of Angora goat lice, Linognathus africanus and Damalinia caprae
W. Threlfall, Wheeler T. A.1986Ectoparasites from birds in Newfoundland
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R. M. Timm, Price R. D.2000A new species of Eutrichophilus (Phthiraptera : Trichodectidae) from the Brazilian black dwarf porcupine (Rodentia : Erethizontidae)
R. M. Timm, Price R. D.1994A new species of Felicola (Phthiraptera, Trichodectidae) from a Costa Rican jaguar, Panthera onca (Carnivora, Felidae)
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R. M. Timm, Price R. D.1989Cummingsia micheneri, a new species of Mallophaga (Trimenoponidae) from a Venezuelan mouse-opossum (Marsupialia)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith