
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
I. F. Burgess, Brown C. M.1999Management of insecticide resistance in head lice Pediculus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculicidae)
I. F. Burgess, Brown, C. M., Lee, P. N.2005Treatment of head louse infestation with 4% dimeticone lotion: randomised controlled equivalence trial
I. F. Burgess, Brown, C. M., Peock, S., Kaufman, J.1995Head lice resistant to pyrethroid insecticides in Britain
I. F. Burgess, Brunton, E. R., Burgess, N. A., Burgess, M. N.2017Neem-silicone lotion and ultrasound nit comb: a randomised, controlled clinical trial treating head louse infestation
I. F. Burgess, Maunder, J. W., Myint, T. Than1983Maintenance of the crab louse, Pthirus pubis, in the laboratory and behavioural studies using volunteers
S. N. Buriro, Akbar S. S.1978Incidence and occurrence of ectoparasites of poultry in Pakistan
K. M. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. N., Burkhart, C. G.1997Update on therapy: Ivermectin is available for use against lice
C. G. Burkhart2005A dermatologist's response to the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines on Head Lice
C. G. Burkhart2004Relationship of treatment-resistant head lice to the safety and efficacy of pediculicides
C. N. Burkhart2003Fomite transmission with head lice: a continuing controversy
C. G. Burkhart1999Physicians should treat head lice
C. N. Burkhart, Arbogast, J., Smythe, P., Burkhart, C. G.1999Histochemical analysis of the nit of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2004Oral ivermectin for Phthirus pubis
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2004Head lice revisited: in vitro standardized tests and differences in malathion formulations
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2001Recommendation to standardize pediculicidal and ovicidal testing for head lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2000Use of topical nicotine for treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anaplura : Pediculidae)
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2000The route of head lice transmission needs enlightenment for proper epidemiologic evaluations
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2000Clinical evidence of lice resistance to over-the-counter products
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2000Oral ivermectin therapy for phthiriasis palpebrum
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.1999Return of the silent merengue: the crab louse
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. G., Arbogast, J.1998Head lice therapy revisited
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. N., Burkhart, K. M.1998An assessment of topical and oral prescription and over-the- counter treatments for head lice
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. G., Gunning, W. T.2000Scanning electron microscopy of adult head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) with focus on clinical implications
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. G., Gunning, W. T., Arbogast, J.1999Scanning electron microscopy of human head louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae) egg and its clinical ramifications
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. G., Pchalek, I., Arbogast, J.1998The adherent cylindrical nit structure and its chemical denaturation in vitro: an assessment with therapeutic implications for head lice
C. N. Burkhart, Gunning, W., Burkhart, C. G.2000Scanning electron microscopic examination of the egg of the pubic louse (Anoplura: Pthirus pubis)
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S. E. Bush2021Acceptance of the 2021 Henry Baldwin Ward Medal: Parasite Forms Most Beautiful
S. E. Bush2009Does behavioural flexibility facilitate host switching by parasites?
S. E. Bush, Clayton D. H.2023Does Preening Behavior Reduce the Prevalence of Avian Feather Lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera)?
S. E. Bush, Clayton D. H.2023Grooming Time Predicts Survival: American Kestrels, Falco sparverius, on a Subtropical Island
S. E. Bush, Clayton D. H.2018Anti-parasite behaviour of birds
S. E. Bush, Clayton D. H.2006The role of body size in host specificity: reciprocal transfer experiments with feather lice
S. E. Bush, Gustafsson, D. R., Clayton, D. H.2018New records of ectoparasites from passerine birds in the High Tatras of Slovakia
S. E. Bush, Gustafsson, D. R., Tkach, V. V., Clayton, D. H.2021A Misidentification Crisis Plagues Specimen-Based Research: A Case for Guidelines with a Recent Example (Ali et al., 2020)
S. E. Bush, Harbison, C. W., Slager, D. L., A. Peterson, T., Price, R. D., Clayton, D. H.2009Geographic variation in the community structure of lice on western scrub-jays
S. E. Bush, Kim, D., Moyer, B. R., Lever, J., Clayton, D. H.2006Is melanin a defense against feather-feeding lice?
S. E. Bush, Kim, D., Reed, M., Clayton, D. H.2010Evolution of Cryptic Coloration in Ectoparasites
S. E. Bush, Malenke J. R.2008Host defence mediates interspecific competition in ectoparasites
S. E. Bush, Price R. D.2006Reconsideration of the longiceps species group of the feather louse Columbicola Ewing (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), with descriptions of two new species
S. E. Bush, Price, R. D., Clayton, D. H.2009Descriptions of eight new species of feather lice in the genus Columbicola (Pthiraptera: Philopteridae), with a comprehensive world checklist


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith