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A. - R. Kazim, Houssaini, J., Tappe, D., Heo, C. - C.2023An annotated checklist of the chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera, Amblycera, Rhynchophthirina) from domestic and wild mammals in Malaysia
A. - R. Kazim, Houssaini, J., Tappe, D., Heo, C. - C.2022An annotated checklist of sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) from domestic and wild mammals in Malaysia, with lists of hosts and pathogens
A. - R. Kazim, Houssaini, J., Tappe, D., Heo, C. - C., Vellayan, S.2023Two new records of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) from the Oriental honey buzzard [Pernis ptilorhynchus (Temminck, 1821)] and house crow (Corvus splendens Viellot, 1817) in Malaysia
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V. Lyman Kellogg1915A fourth mallophagen species from the hoatzin
V. Lyman Kellogg1915Elementary textbook of economic zoology and entomology
V. Lyman Kellogg1914Mallophaga from birds of the South Atlantic. In: R. C. Murphy, A report on the South Georgia Expedition
V. Lyman Kellogg1913Distribution and species-forming of ectoparasites
V. Lyman Kellogg1913Ecto-parasites of the monkeys, apes and man.
V. Lyman Kellogg1913Docophori of the owls
V. Lyman Kellogg1910Mallophaga from the hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin)
V. Lyman Kellogg1908The Mallophaga of the world: Systematic Summary
V. Lyman Kellogg1908Corrodentia. 4. Mallophaga
V. Lyman Kellogg1908The Mallophaga of the Kilimandjaro Region
V. Lyman Kellogg1907The mallophagan parasites of the kea
V. Lyman Kellogg1906Notebook Number 09
V. Lyman Kellogg1906A gigantic new biting bird-louse
V. Lyman Kellogg1906Mallophaga from Argentina
V. Lyman Kellogg1906A second collection of Mallophaga from birds of the Galapagos and Revillagigedo Islands and neighboring waters
V. Lyman Kellogg1903Two new genera of Mallophaga
V. Lyman Kellogg1902Are the Mallophaga degenerate Psocids?
V. Lyman Kellogg1902Notebook Number 07
V. Lyman Kellogg1902Notebook Number 08
V. Lyman Kellogg1901Notebook Number 06
V. Lyman Kellogg1899New Mallophaga III. Mallophaga from birds of Panama, Baja California and Alaska
V. Lyman Kellogg1899A list of the biting lice (Mallophaga) taken from birds and mammals of North America
V. Lyman Kellogg1896The Mallophaga
V. Lyman Kellogg1896Mallophaga of North American Birds
V. Lyman Kellogg1896Notebook Number 01
V. Lyman Kellogg1896Notebook Number 02
V. Lyman Kellogg1896Notebook Number 03
V. Lyman Kellogg1896Notebook Number 04
V. Lyman Kellogg1896Notebook Number 05
V. Lyman Kellogg1896New Mallophaga, II, from land birds; together with an account of the Mallophagous mouth-parts


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith