
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
G. S. Pfaffenberger, Rosero J. F.1984Mallophaga from five raptor species in Eastern New Mexico
B. Appleyard, Bailie H.1984Parasitic skin diseases of sheep
I. S. Chaika1984Levels of morphofunctional polymorphism of the digestive system in blood-sucking insects
P. F. Goubau1984Relapsing fevers. A review
I. U. S. Balashov1984Interaction between blood-sucking arthropods and their hosts, and its influence on vector potential
E. Lonc, Złotorzycka J.1984Connections between poultry biting lice and microflora
V. J. Gibney, Campbell, J. B., Boxler, D. J., Clanton, D. C., Deutscher, G. H.1985Effects of various infestation levels of cattle lice (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae and Anoplura: Haematopinidae) on feed efficiency and weight gains of beef heifers
V. K. Saxena1985Some entomological observations in a suspected plague outbreak area of District Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
E. I. Ugochukwu, Apeh A. O.1985Prevalence of ectoparasites of small ruminants in Nsukka, Nigeria
E. I. Ugochukwu, Nnadozie C. C.1985Ectoparasitic infestation of dogs in Bendel State, Nigeria
M. A. Stawiski1985Insect bites and stings
J. E. Thul1985Parasitic arthropods of wood ducks, Aix sponsa L., in the Atlantic Flyway
P. Marcos Linardi, Botelho, J. Ramiro, Cunha, H. Capistrano1985Ectoparasites in rodents of the urban region of Belo Horizonte, MG. III. Fleas, Anoplura and Acari indices in Rattus norvegicus norvegicus
A. V. Pshenichnova, Lukin, E. P., Mikhailov, V. V., Pashanina, T. P., Iurchuk, B. G.1985Experimental study of the properties of sublines of Rickettsia prowazekii vaccinal strain E
L. Charles Parish1985Pthirus pubis and lindane resistance
R. deBoer, van der Geest L. P.1985The efficacy of malathion against head lice
D. Barth, Preston J. M.1985Efficacy of ivermectin against the sucking louse Solenopotes capillatus
I. L. Devilliers, Liversidge, R., Reinecke, R. K.1985Arthropods and helminths in springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) at Benfontein, Kimberley
M. D. Soler-Cruz, Florido-Navio, A. M., Revelles-Marin, F., A. de Albornoz, O. - C.1985Scanning electron microscopic study of female Bovicola caprae and B. limbata (Mallophaga) of Capra hircus
N. D. Klimchuk, Luts A. G.1985The efficacy of new antibiotics in rickettsial infection
A. J. Higgins1985Common ectoparasites of the camel and their control
N. D. Klimchuk, Kitsara, M. S., Frolova, O. M., Balaeva, N. M.1985Antibiotic sensitivity of the erythromycin-resistant strain E of Rickettsia prowazekii cultured in the vector's body
Anonymous1985Human lice: some basic facts and misconceptions
F. C. Wilkinson1985The eradication of Damalinia ovis by spraying insecticide onto the tip of the wool
I. S. Chaika1985Micromorphology of the malpighian tubules in the louse Pediculus humanus corporis (Anoplura)
F. C. Wright1985Tricholipeurus balanicus balanicus (Werneck, 1938) (Mallophaga, Trichodectidae) on blackbuck antelope (Antilope cervicapra L.) in Texas
B. Keh1985Scope and applications of forensic entomology
J. Złotorzycka1985Differentiation of characteristics of Mallophaga
P. Marcos Linardi, Botelho, J. Ramiro, Cunha, H. Capistrano1985Ectoparasites in rodents of the urban region of Belo Horizonte, MG. II. Changes in the indices of infestation of Rattus norvegicus norvegicus
G. J. Hallam1985Transmission of Damalinia ovis and Damalinia caprae between sheep and goats
D. P. Davis, Williams R. E.1986Influence of hog lice, Haematopinus suis, on blood components, behavior, weight gain and feed efficiency of pigs
R. Reichhardt, Ribbeck, R., Muller, P., Hiepe, T.1986Effect of UV rays on parasitic arthropods. 1. Studies in vitro and in vivo on the influence of UV rays on the developmental stages of Haematopinus suis
L. D. Foil, Foil C. S.1986Parasitic skin diseases
R. E. Williams1986Epidemiology and control of ectoparasites of swine
E. C. Loomis1986Epidemiology and control of ectoparasites of small ruminants
E. C. Loomis1986Ectoparasites of cattle
E. I. Ugochukwu, Omije F. A.1986Ectoparasitic fauna of poultry in Nsukka, Nigeria
A. J. Zuckerman1986AIDS and insects
L. J. Hribar, Wilson, G. Butler, Gerhardt, R. R.1986Infestations of lice on white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA
R. P. Kitching, Mellor P. S.1986Insect transmission of capripoxvirus
R. Benítez-Rodríguez, Soler-Cruz, M. D., Muñoz-Parra, S., Florido-Navio, A. M.1986In vitro culture of Bovicola limbata Gervais, 1844 (Mallophaga), study of its survival and life cycle
V. J. Ormerod, Henderson D.1986Propetamphos pour-on formulation for the control of lice on sheep: effect of lice on weight gain and wool production
Z. Hubalek, erný, V. Č., Mittermayer, T., Kilik, J., Halouzka, J., Juricova, Z., Kuhn, I., Bardos, V.1986Arbovirological survey in Silica plateau area, Roznava District, Czechoslovakia
J. P. Fabiyi1986Exclusion in Nigeria of chickens and guinea-fowls from the host range of Menacanthus stramineus (Mallophaga: Insecta)
E. Rudy1986Lice: ancient pest with new resistance
E. Lonc, Kopczynska-Maslej J.1986Morfometryczna, zależna od preparacji zmienność Columbicola columbae columbae (L.) (Mallophaga: Ischnocera)
E. Lonc, Kopczynska-Maslej J.1986Infestacja gołębi domowych Columba livia dom., populacji wrocławskiej, wszołami stwierdzona latem 1983 r.
E. Lonc, Mazurkiewicz, M., Szewczuk, V.1986Susceptibility of poultry biting lice (Mallophaga) to Dipel and bacilan (Bacillus thuringiensis)
T. A. Morsy, Fayad, M. E., Shady, M. K. Abou, Yousef, N. S.1986Ectoparasites of rodents in Suez governorate with special reference to fleas
V. K. Saxena1987Rodent-ectoparasite association in selected biotopes of Mirzapur and Varanasi Districts of Uttar Pradesh


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith