Arthropod transmission of Eperythrozoon coccoides in mice

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1988
Authors:S. D. Berkenkamp, Wescott R. B.
Journal:Laboratory animal science
Pagination:398 - 401
Date Published:1988
Keywords:Anaplasmataceae Infections/veterinary, animals, Insect vectors, Lice/microbiology, mice, Mycoplasma Infections/transmission/veterinary, Mycoplasma/isolation & purification/physiology, Rodent Diseases/transmission

The association of Eperythrozoon coccoides infection in laboratory mice, with commonly encountered external parasites, was examined. Transmission of E. coccoides was achieved by infesting recipient mice with as few as 10 live Polyplax serrata immediately after they were obtained from donor mice infected with E. coccoides. Polyplax serrata removed from such hosts and fasted for 24 hours also were able to initiate E. coccoides infections in recipient mice. Transovarial transmission of E. coccoides through P. serrata was not demonstrated. Transmission of E. coccoides by Myocoptes musculinus, Myobia musculi and Radfordia affinis was not observed.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith