Estudos sobre malófagos Descriptión de una segunda especie del género Labicotes Kéler (1939) (Ischnocera, Goniodidae), parásito de la Crax globulosa Spix (Galliformes, Cracidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1975
Authors:J. Tendeiro
Journal:Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical
Pagination:57 - 66
Date Published:1975
Keywords:mtax, PHP

A second species of Mallophaga of Labicotea [sic. = Labicotes] Keler, genus (1939) is described by the name of Labicotea kouri [sic. = Labicotes kouri] in honor to the outstanding Cuban parasitologist Pedro Kouri, who discovered this parasite on a Brazilian bird, Crax globulosa Spix (Galliform, Cracidae). The species called L. guttatus (Taschenberg, 1882) is easily distinguished from that discovered by Keler, since it has: 1 - a narrower, bell shaped head, with the post antennal region more elongated, and which corresponds to a smaller cephalic index; 2 - a narrower abdomen; 3 - apparently non-bifid tergopleural reinforcements; 4 - a quadrangular hinder extremity of the abdomen (pentagonal in L. guttatus).

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