Occurrence of lice (Anoplura) in rodents from Lover Silesia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:D. Kiewra, Modrzejewska M.
Journal:Wiadomości Parazytologiczne
Pagination:303 - 305
Date Published:2005
Keywords:Hoplopleura, Poland, Polyplax, Survey

Polish title: Występowanie wszy [Anoplura] u gryzoni z terenów Dolnego Śląska. Paper in polish

The data on the lice of small mammals, which can be the vectors of some human pathogens, are rather scarce in Poland.MATERIAL: During 2001-2004 an investigation of the lice of rodents was undertaken in the area of Lover Silesia. The research was concentrated on habitat in Masyw Slezy (about 35 km from Wroclaw, popular recreational area) and on two habitats in Wroclaw: in Osobowice (irrigation fields) and Mokry Dwor (water-bearing ground). 105 rodents belonging to three species: Apodemus agrarius (35), Apodemus flavicolis (30) and Clethrionomys glareolus (40) were examined. RESULTS: On 13 individuals of rodents 68 lice (Anoplura) of 3 species were found: Hoplopleura affinis (Burmeister, 1839)--21 females and 8 male, H. acanthopus (Burmeister, 1839)--2 females and Polyplax serrata (Burmeister, 1839)--22 females, 11 male and 4 nymphs. The prevalence of lice infestation was 12.4%; A. agrarius was the most infected rodent (prevalence 25%). The most numerous lice were P. serrata. This species was recorded on A. agrarius (11.4%) and A. flavicolis (3.3%) collected in Wroclaw, and on C. glareolus (2.5%) collected in Masyw Slezy. Only single individuals of P. serrata were found on Apodemus (the mean intensity was 1.25). A big collection (17 females, 11 males and 3 nymphs) was gathered on C. glareolus. H. affinis was found only on a typical host A. agrarius (14.3%) collected in both habitats in Wroclaw (mean intensity 4.75). H. acanthopus was found only on C. glareolus (prevalence 5.0%). No mixed infestation was recorded. Higer infestation of hosts was in habitats of Wroclaw than in Masyw Slezy.

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