Some Anoplura of the oriental region. A study of Hoplopleura pacifica Ewing and allies

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1972
Authors:P. True Johnson
Journal:Journal of Medical Entomology
Pagination:219 - 227
Date Published:1972

Hoplopleura rajah, N. sp. from Rattus surifer, Laos, is described. It is a member of the group of Oriental and Pacific Hoplopleura typified by H. pacifica Ewing. The group is defined mainly on the basis of nymphal morphology. Included members of the pacifica group are as follows: pacifica, oenomydis Ferris, irritans Kuhn & Ludwig, sicata Johnson, and rajah. H. pectinata (Cummings) is considered related to the pacifica group on the basis of nymphal morphology.

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