Zur Mallophagen-Sammeltechnik am lebenden Vogel

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1982
Authors:E. Mey
Journal:Angewandte Parasitologie
Pagination:97 - 102
Date Published:1982

The author describes his technique of collecting Mallophaga on live birds (chiefly Passeres, size like sparrow or blackbird). The description comprises the collecting of Mallophaga and the thorough examination of the Mallophaga infestation typical of the host. By these examinations valuable information about biology and ecology of the biting lice species can be obtained. The examinations can be combined with the ringing of the birds. Whereas Ischnocera of one host usually allow qualitative and quantitative determination, Amblycera (with the exception of Ricinus) do not always. Considering the ectoparasitocoenosis and the condition of the bird the examination data are recorded on the spot. The material collected (e.g. the nits, too) has to be preserved in dry state.

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