Louse-host associations

Louse Host Citation Data source
Ricinus dendroicae Dendroica pinus A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 86 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus dendroicae Dendroica striata World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus dendroicae Dendroica virens A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 86 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Ammodramus maritimus A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Ammodramus savannarum A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Junco hyemalis A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Melospiza georgiana A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Melospiza lincolnii Suborder Amblycera pg: 109 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Melospiza melodia A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Passerculus sandwichensis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Passerella iliaca A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Plectrophenax nivalis A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 115 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Spizella arborea A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Spizella passerina A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Zonotrichia albicollis A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Zonotrichia atricapilla A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Zonotrichia capensis A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 99 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus Zonotrichia leucophrys A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 103 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus diffusus pallidus Junco sp World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus dolichocephalus Oriolus chinensis Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 239 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus dolichocephalus Oriolus larvatus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 239 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus dolichocephalus Oriolus oriolus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus dolichocephalus Oriolus xanthornus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 239 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Bombycilla garrulus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 222 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Prunella modularis Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 222 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Sturnus vulgaris Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 222 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus iliacus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 222 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus merula Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 220 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus migratorius Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 220 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus naumanni Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 220 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus philomelos Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 220 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus pilaris Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 222 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus torquatus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 220 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus elongatus Turdus viscivorus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus emersoni Geothlypis tolmiei A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 85 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus emersoni Wilsonia canadensis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus ernstlangi Turdus merula World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus expeditionis Pipra chloromeros World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus exsul Euphonia xanthogaster exsul World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fasciatus Larus capistratus A Check list of the Genera & Species of Mallophaga pg: 325 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus flavicans Myiophobus flavicans venezuelanus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus frenatus Regulus calendula A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 80 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus frenatus Regulus ignicapillus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 275 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus frenatus Regulus regulus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Acanthis cannabina Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Acanthis flammea Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Acanthis flavirostris Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Amphispiza belli A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Amphispiza bilineata Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 203 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Anthus pratensis Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 205 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith