Louse-host associations

Louse Host Citation Data source
Ricinus fringillae Anthus rubescens World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Anthus spinoletta Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Anthus trivialis Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 205 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Bombycilla garrulus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 202 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Carduelis carduelis Suborder Amblycera pg: 111 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Carpodacus nipalensis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Emberiza aureola Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 203 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Emberiza cia Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 203 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Emberiza citrinella World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Emberiza elegans Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 203 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Emberiza rustica Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 203 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Emberiza schoeniclus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 203 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Fringilla coelebs Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Fringilla montifringilla Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Junco hyemalis Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Junco phaeonotus A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Melospiza melodia A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 62 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Motacilla alba Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 205 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Parus ater Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Parus atricapillus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Parus caeruleus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Parus cristatus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Passer domesticus A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Passer montanus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Passerella iliaca A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 62 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Pipilo erythrophthalmus A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Pipilo fuscus Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Plectrophenax hyperboreus A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 62 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Plectrophenax nivalis A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 115 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Pooecetes gramineus A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Prunella collaris Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Prunella strophiata Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Pyrrhula pyrrhula Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Riparia riparia Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Spizella arborea A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Spizella breweri Die Mallophagengattung Ricinus De Geer, 1778 Revision der ausseramerikanischen Arten pg: 204 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Spizella passerina A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Zonotrichia albicollis A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 62 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Zonotrichia atricapilla A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 62 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Zonotrichia leucophrys A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae Zonotrichia querula A revision of the New World species of Ricinus (Mallophaga) occurring on Passeriformes (Aves) pg: 61 A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae aureolae Emberiza aureola aureola World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae flammeae Acanthis flammea flammea World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus fringillae flavirostris Acanthis flavirostris altaica World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus gibbus Dicaeum pygmaeum palawanorum World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus guianensis Polioptila plumbea innotata World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus hastatus Junco hyemalis aikeni World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus inexpectatus Riparia riparia World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus intermedius Bombycilla garrulus World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals
Ricinus intermedius Parus ater insularis World checklist of chewing lice with host associations and keys to families and genera A host-parasite list of the Mallophaga on mammals


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith