Prevalence of ectoparasites on goats in Dehradun (India)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1994
Authors:A. Kumar, Rawat, B. S., Saxena, A. Kumar, Agarwal, G. P.
Journal:Applied Parasitology
Pagination:227 - 236
Date Published:1994

The prevalence of two phthiraptera species, Bovicola caprae and Linognathus africanus on 1048 goats from Dehradun (India) was 79.2% and 38% respectively. Prevalence of both species was higher on visibly weaker and less hairy goats. Sex related differences in prevalence were not found. The prevalence of L. africanus was slightly higher on young goats but the same was not true in case of B. caprae. The incidence of B. caprae showed moderately negative correlation with environmental temperature and photoperiod. The relative intensity of B. caprae has been found higher during winter months, followed by summers. Study primarily deals with lice but the information about prevalence of other ectroparasites like ticks, fleas and keds, has also been supplemented.

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