Pathomorphological changes in the tissues of chickens, experimentally infected with biting lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:P. Nedelchev Prelezov, Groseva, N. Ivanova, Goundasheva, D. Ivanova
Journal:Veterinarski Arhiv. Mjeseenik veterinarskog fakulleta sveneelista. Zagreb
Pagination:207 - 215
Date Published:2006
Keywords:chickens, haemosiderosis, hyperaemia, Mallophaga, pathomorphology

A study into the death rate and pathomorphological changes in the tissues of chickens experimentally infected with biting lice from the species Eomenacanthus stramineus Nitzsch (1818), Menacanthus cornutus Schömmer (1913), Menopon gallinae L. (1758) and Goniocotes gallinae DeGeer (1778) is presented. Five of 20 infected birds died (25% death rate). Following necropsy of dead birds and after histological investigation of skin, muscle, spleen, liver, lungs and kidney specimens, multiple wounds and haemorrhages were macroscopically observed on skin surface, while histologically in all cutaneous layers, as well as in the other studies, tissue hyperaemia, haemorrhages, haemosiderosis, pseudoeosinophilic and hystiocytic infiltration were present. Inflammation of the small intestines was also noticed. The evidenced changes were of both local and systemic character. Local lesions were due to the direct aggression of Mallophaga. The systemic changes were manifestations of the sensitization and intoxication that occurred in the avian organism following the biting lice infestation.

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