First record of Porrocaecum depressum (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea), Craspedorrhynehus sp. and Degeeriella sp. (Insecta: Psocodea) obtained from a Hodgson's Hawk Eagle, Spizaetus nipalensis, in Gifu Prefecture, Japan

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:T. Yoshino, Yanai, T., Asano, M., Asakawa, M.
Pagination:143 - 148
Date Published:20-9-2012
Keywords:Chewing lice, Hodgson's Hawk-eagle, Porrocaecum depressum

A male young Holzson's Hawk-eagle, collected ii October 2U0. Pre- fecture, Japan. In the post-mortem examination, two individuals of nematode were found from proventriculus and four specimens of chewing lice were obtained from face. The present specimens were identified as Porocaecum depressum, Craspedorrhynchus sp. and Degeeriella sp. by their measurements and motpitological characters. This is the first host record for the present parasites S. nipalensis, and the first geographical record of P. depressum and Degeeriella sp. from Japan. Considering the life cycle, P. depressum requires the earthworms as intermediate hosts and use insectivores (mainly soricids) as paratenic hosts. Thus, it suggested that the hawk-eagle was infected with the nematode by ingestion of smell such as earthwors and soricids.

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