The fauna and perspective of rodentia ectoparasites in Iran relying on their roles within public health and veterinary characteristics

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:M. Khosravani
Journal:Journal of Parasitic Diseases
Pagination:1 - 18
Date Published:03/2018
Keywords:Diversity, ectoparasites, host, Iran, rodents

Historically, rodents-ectoparasites are responsi- ble for many diseases in human and domestic animal communities because they are well-adapted to the envi- ronment and nutritional resources. In addition, ectopara- sites can affect the reproductive rates, ecological fitness and the dispersal pattern of their hosts. Data was compiled through all publications relating to ectoparasites fauna from Iranian rodents. Host specificity, rodent-parasites interaction, geographical distribution, ecological trends as well as the medical or veterinary importance of ectopara- sites are considered in this review. Also, results compared with other equal global findings. According to the obtained information, the genus Hyalomma considered being the major vector of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Sistan- Balouchistan, Isfahan, Fars and Khuzestan are endemic provinces of this disease in Iran. Ixodes ticks (especially Hyalomma spp.) commonly existed throughout the months but had high activity in spring and late autumn seasons. Muridae as the most diversified rodent family was more reiterated exploited host by all parasites in this knowledge. Tatera indica confirmed as a positive host for Francisella tularensis by serological test but the definitive reservoir is still unclear in Iran. Meriones persicus as a nocturnal jird has been permanently presented in semi-desert areas except Dasht-e Kavir desert. This rodent was the frequent host for Pulicid fleas followed by Mus musculus and Cricetulus migratorius (Cricetidae). Rattus norvegicus was special- ized host for Polyplax spinulosa (spiny rat louse). Pulex irritans from Pulicidae was spread in particularly west of Iran which known as an endemic focus of plague. Mites were high diversity than other taxa. The domestic verte- brates (sheep, goat and cattle) were primitive hosts and rodents were discovered as auxiliary hosts for ticks in Iran apparently. The available data suggested that lice had a type of model of host specificity due to their morphological traits. Meanwhile, Alborz and Zagros mountains ranges provided the specialized habitats for animals which have been surrounded by northern and western regions. Perhaps these mountainous areas can prevent gene flow between local mammalian populations. Notably, the genealogy of parasite genome can orient toward the evolutionary process into speciation point. In general, more researches are nee- ded to decipher the whole sights of host-parasite associa- tion and the role of ectoparasites within zoonosis diseases.

Short Title:J Parasit Dis
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