Ectoparasites of Domestic Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) in Al-Diwaniya City/Iraq

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2015
Authors:H. Madlool Al-Mayali, Abdul_Kadhim H. Alshabiny
Journal:International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Pagination:669 - 677
Date Published:10-2015
Keywords:biting lice, Domestic turkey, ticks

The present study was conducted during the period from 1/9/2014 - 1/5/2015; 50 birds of domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) was collected from different areas of Al-Diwaniya city, in order to isolate and diagnose ectoparasites on turkeys as well as study infection percentage by these parasites with the intensity and the most important pathological changes caused by the infection The results showed presence of four species of biting lice (Gonoiocotes gallinae, Goniodes gigas, Menacanthus straminus and Oxylipeurus sp.) by infection and intensity of 10% and 6.81, 0.4% and 4.72, 2% and 0.54, 2% and 0.09, respectively, and two species of ticks (Arguspersicus and Haemophysalis sp. Nymph) by injury and intensity of 2% and 0.54, 0.2% and 0.24, respectively. The results also showed that the infection distribution in external parasites of turkey by sex were higher in males than females because the infection percentage was reached32 and 12% respectively, as well as incidence a many of pathological and gross changes of infected birds lice such as lethargy, laziness, wings sagging, nervous tension, break feathers and loosed in addition to skin color changed, appearance of scratches and bleeding

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