Bird Lice (Mallophaga, Philopteridae, Menoponidae) of Domestic Pigeons on Specialized Pigeon Breeding Farms in Poltava

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2017
Authors:I. Kolomak, Kruchynenko O.
Journal:Vestnik Zoologii
Pagination:487 - 492
Date Published:Jan 2018
Type of Article:Open access
Keywords:Columba livia domestica, pigeon lice

The species composition of pigeon lice parasitic on pigeons of ornamental breeds on the specialized closed-type farm (Poltava) was studied. Five species of these ectoparasites were registered: Columbicola columbae Linnaeus, 1758, Campanulotes compar Burmeister, 1838, (Philopteridae, Ischnocera), Bonomiella columbae Emerson, 1957, Hohorstiella lata Piaget, 1880 and Neocolpocephalus turbinatum (Denny, 1842) (Menoponidae, Amblycera). For each species, the data on infection prevalence, intensity and abundance were obtained. High prevalence of infection was registered for all pigeon lice species, while the intensity and, especially, the abundance were considerably different. C. columbae turned out to be the most abundant. B. columbae was rather common. The peculiarities of pigeon lice species localization on the host body were investigated. During the intensive infection of pigeons with lice, the complex of clinical signs is manifested, which testifies about considerable effect of these parasites on the host. The highest pathogenicity is characteristic for H. lata, which usually feeds on blood and lymph.

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