Ectoparasite of Rodents Collected from International Seaport, Gujarat (India) with Special Reference to Plague & Scrub Typhus

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:A. Kumar Sharma, Kumar, K., Thomas, T. G., Singh, S. Kumar
Journal:Journal of Communicable Diseases
Pagination:7 - 13
Date Published:12-2020
Keywords:Kandla Port, Leptotrombidium deliense, Scrub Typhus, Tatera indica, Xenopsylla cheopis

Background: Rodents are well established at port areas and their arthropod ectoparasite can be vectors of many diseases. Ships play an important role in spreading disease by transporting infected vectors. Objective:  In  view  of  the  seriousness  of  the  problem  the  present  study  was  undertaken  to  assess  the  prevalence of rodent–ectoparasite association at KPT, Kandla (India). Results: Four species of rodents:Tatera indica(Hardwicke), Bandicota indica(Bechstein),Rattus norvegicus(Berkenhout), Rattus rattus (Linnaeus)were trapped from the port area. Rodent Infestation rate was 84.9 per cent. Lice (46.5%) were the predominant ectoparasites retrieved from the rodents followed by mites and fleas. The rodent ectoparasite index was 13.6 per rat. A total of 32 vector larval trombiculid chigger mite (Leptotrombidium deliense, Walch) were collected from various species of rats. Chigger infestation rate was found to be 8.0 per rat. A total of 96% chigger mites were retrieved from R. norvagicus trapped from canteen area. A total 234 fleas were retrieved giving an overall flea index of 2.5 per rat. The flea species collected from rodents were Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild)and X. astia (Rothschild). Serological & bacteriological examination of rodent samples showed no Orentia and plague bacilli activity. Conclusion: Result of the study suggests routine surveillance for rodent and their arthropods ectoparasite to apply appropriate control measure to prevent the spreading of rodent borne diseases.

Short Title:JCD
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith