A preliminary survey of ectoparasites of small mammalsin Kuala Selangor Nature Park

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:B. Chuluun, Mariana, A., Ho, T. - M., Mohd-Kulaimi, B.
Journal:Tropical Biomedicine
Type of Article:Research Note

Trapping  of  small  mammals  was  conducted  at  5  study  sites  in  Kuala  SelangorNature  Park  (KSNP)  from  20-24  June  2005.    A  total  of  11  animals  comprising  2  species  ofrodents, Maxomys whiteheadi and Rattus exulans  were caught from 3 sites, i.e from an areaof  mixed  secondary  forest  and  mangrove  swamp;  an  area  of  mangrove  swamp,  and  from  anarea  of  lalang  fringing  mangrove  swamp.    From  these  animals,  the  following  7  species  ofectoparasites  were  found:  Laelaps  echidninus, Laelaps  nuttalli,  Ascoschoengastia  indica,Leptotrombidium  deliense,  Hoplopleura  pectinata, Hoplopleura  pacifica  and  Polyplaxspinulosa.    One  of  the  ectoparasites  found,  L.  deliense  is  a  known  vector  of  scrub  typhusand thus may pose potential health risks to visitors to KSNP.

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