Archaeoentomological Research in the North Atlantic: Past, Present, and Future

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2014
Authors:V. Forbes, Dussault, F., Bain, A.
Journal:Journal of the North Atlantic
Date Published:09-2014

This paper reviews archaeoentomolgical research in the North Atlantic region, which until relatively recently,  was focused mainly on Norse and later farms in Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroes, providing insights into many aspects of daily life on these settlements as well as their impacts on the local environment. Conversely, little research had been undertaken  on  insect  fossils  from  hunter-gatherer  settlements,  save  a  handful  of  investigations  from  deposits  associated  with Saqqaq sites in Western Greenland. Over the past decade, the scope of these studies has extended to encompass new territories, time periods, and research questions. Insect remains from Palaeo- and Neo-Eskimo sites in the eastern Canadian Arctic were examined for the first time, and previously unexamined Norse and later sites have revealed new applications for archaeoentomology. This emerging body of work demonstrates the potential and importance of the continued integration of archaeoentomology in archaeological projects

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