Molecular detection of microorganisms in lice collected from farm animals in Northeastern Algeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:B. Ouarti, Mediannikov, O., Righi, S., Benakhla, A., Raoult, D., Parola, P.
Journal:Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Date Published:Feb-01-2021
Keywords:Anaplasmataceae, cattle, Coxiella burnetii, Goats., Phthiraptera, sheep

Lice (Phthiraptera) are highly specific insects organized into four suborders (Anoplura, amblycera, ischnocera and rhynchophthirina). Lice may affect human and animal health. Our objective was to study the bacterial community of lice collected in Algeria. Using molecular tools, we were able to identify by real time PCR the presence of Coxiella burnetii DNA in 1% (3/300) Linognathus africanus and in 0.3% (1/300) Linognathus vituli collected from goats and cattle respectively. We also detected the presence of  Anaplasmataceae bacteria in Bovicola bovis, L. vituli from cattle and in L. africanus from goats. By standard PCR’s and sequencing, we were able to identify Anaplasma ovis in L. africanus as well as a novel Anaplasmataceae sp genotype corresponding probably to a new genus within this family.

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