Human dental pulp stem cells: A sanctuary for relapsing Bartonella quintana

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:H. Oumarou_Hama, Hamada, A., Aboudharam, G., Ghigo, É., Drancourt, M.
Journal:Microbial Pathogenesis
Date Published:Apr-01-2021

Bartonella quintana is a facultative intracellular bacterium responsible for relapsing fever, an example of non-sterilizing immunity. The cellular sanctuary of B. quintana in-between febrile relapses remains unknown but repeated detection of B. quintana in dental pulp specimens suggested long-term half-life dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) as candidates. As the capacity of DPSCs to internalize microscopic particles was unknown, we confirmed that DPSCs internalized B. quintana bacteria: Gimenez staining and fluorescence microscopy localized B. quintana bacteria inside DPSCs and this internalization did not affect the cellular multiplication of DPSCs during a one-month follow-up despite the increase in the bacterial load. B. quintana-infected DPSCs did not produce Tumor Necrosis Factor-α whereas an important production of Monocytes Chemoattractant Protein-1 was observed. These unprecedented observations suggest the possibility that DPSCs are shelters for the long-term persistence of B. quintana in the host, warranting further experimental and clinical investigations.

Attachment is the Preprint version posted online on bioRxiv May 2020.doi:,

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