The prevalence and intensity of external parasites in domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Egypt with special reference to the role of deltamethrin as insecticidal agent

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:H. M. Salem, Yehia, N., Al-Otaibi, S., El-Shehawi, A. M., Elrys, A. A. M. E., El-Saadony, M. T., Attia, M. M.
Journal:Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences
Date Published:Mar-01-2022
Keywords:Deltamethrin, Dermanyssus gallinae, Hippobosca equine, Knemidocoptes spp., Pseudolynchia canariensis

This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and intensity of external parasites in domestic pigeons in Giza, Egypt, from January 2020 to December 2020. A total of 300 domestic pigeons (25 pigeons per month) were examined. The birds were divided into groups based on their age. The oxidative stress parameters; serum zinc concentration, serum malondialdehyde (MDA), and serum Nitric oxide were evaluated in single and mixed external parasitic infestations. The prevalence of external parasites in
examined pigeons was 80.3%. The detected parasites were Pseudolynchia canariensis (P. canariensis), Hippobosca equina (H. equina), Columbicola columbae (C. columbae), Menopon gallinae (M. gallinae), Knemidocoptes species (spp.) and Dermanyssus gallinae (D. gallinae); their incidences were 41.6, 26, 7, 5,0.33 and 0.33%, respectively. The highest infestation was recorded in both spring and summer. The incidence of disease was higher in squabs and young birds than in adults. The mixed external parasitic infestation was recorded in this study. The infected birds showed decreased serum zinc concentration and elevated MDA and serum Nitric oxide levels. In conclusion, regular monthly treatment with deltamethrin is recommended as an effective drug in the treatment of the infested birds and succeeded in reducing the incidence of externalparasites in the treated birds; in addition, pigeon management measures must be implemented to reduce the risk of external parasites

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