Notes on Lice (Psocodea: Phthiraptera) Species in Domestic and Wild Mammals in Türkiye: Some Corrections and New Additions

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2024
Authors:B. Dik
Journal:International Journal Medical Parasitology & Epidemiology Sciences
Date Published:29-6-2024
Type of Article:online, review article
Keywords:fauna, louse, Mammalia, Türkiye

Introduction: There is scant research on the mammalian lice fauna in Türkiye. This article was prepared due to the presence of some deficiencies and inaccuracies in previous studies on this subject and the presence of species for the first time in other studies. In this article, shortcomings and inaccuracies that could be identified are corrected, and new references, photos, and the checklist of mammalian lice in Türkiye are added.

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