
Root Language Translation
=gerfalco, -n Low (Late) Latin A sacred falcon
=glans, Latin An acorn; a gland
=glaux Greek Milk vetch; an owl
=grex Latin A flock, herd
=guttur, -I Latin The throat
=habitus Latin The external aspect
=halcyon Greek A kingfisher
=hamma, -to Greek A knot, noose
=harelda Icelandic A sea duck
=harpe, harpi Greek A sickle; a bird of prey
=hasta, -t Latin A spear; spear shaped
=heligma, -to Greek A winding, wrapper; a curl of hair
=helix Greek A spiral, coil
=herma, -to Greek A prop, support
=hippocampus Greek A fabulous sea monster
=hydra Greek Water; a sea serpent
=hydrus Greek A water snake
=hymen, -o Greek A membrane
=iama, -to Greek A medicine, remedy
=ibex Latin A kind of goat


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith