James R. Busvine

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J. R. Busvine, Entomology and evolution, Antenna. Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society of London, vol. 17, pp. 196 - 201, 1993.
J. R. Busvine, Of lice and men, Chemistry and Industry, no. 18, pp. 670 - 670, 1992.
J. R. Busvine, Pediculosis: Biology of the parasites, in Cutaneous Infestations and Insect Bites, M. Orkin and Maibach, H. I., Eds. New York, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1985, pp. 163 - 174.
J. R. Busvine, Pediculosis: Treatments on the horizon, in Cutaneous Infestations and Insect Bites, M. Orkin and Maibach, H. I., Eds. New York, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1985, pp. 231 - 237.
J. R. Busvine, John Hall Grundy lecture. Reflections on some human ectoparasites, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, vol. 130, no. 2, pp. 126 - 133, 1984.
J. R. Busvine, Pediculosis: Biology of the Parasites., in Proceedings of the International Conference on Scabies and Pediculosis, M. Orkin, Sulzberger, M. B., and et al, Eds. Minneapolis, May 1976: , 1977, pp. 143 - 152.PDF icon 40346.pdf (278.39 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Pediculosis: Treatments on the horizon, in Scabies and Pediculosis, M. Orkin and Maibach, H. I., Eds. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: Lippincott Co., 1977, pp. 191 - 195.PDF icon 46362.pdf (376.62 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Insects, hygiene and history. London: Athlone Press, 1976, p. 262 pp.PDF icon 44210.pdf (560.65 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Appropriate formulations of insecticide for different louse control situations, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 175 - 177.PDF icon 46435.pdf (167.66 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Biology and control of lice: Bionomics of lice. Introductory remarks, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 149 - 159.PDF icon 46430.pdf (507.53 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Sitar, A., Pantovic, D., Schoof, H. F., Perry, A. S., Fabrikant, I. B., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Miller, R. N., Verschueren, A., and Cole, M. M., Biology and control of lice: C. Insecticide resistance. Open discussion, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, p. 232.
C. N. Smith, Busvine, J. R., Jenkins, D. W., Krynski, S., Cole, M. M., Kostrzewski, J., Gaon, J. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Reeves, W. C., Gratz, N. G., and Kim, K. Chung, Biology and control of lice: D. Experimental louse control methods. Open discussion, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 261 - 267.PDF icon 46460.pdf (241.81 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Certain aspects of insecticide resistance, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 212 - 217.
C. L. Wisseman, Jr., Busvine, J. R., Murray, E. S., Kostrzewski, J., Smith, C. N., Fabrikant, I. B., Reeves, W. C., Gratz, N. G., Fox, J. P., Ormsbee, R. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Makara, G., Gaon, J. A., Gear, J. H., Traub, R., J. Vinson, W., Perry, A. S., and Eldridge, B. F., Open discussion, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 303 - 311.PDF icon 46746.pdf (667.64 KB)
N. G. Gratz, Gaon, J. A., Busvine, J. R., Wegner, Z., Fox, C., Gear, J. H., Smith, C. N., Gerberg, E. J., Fabrikant, I. B., Makara, G., Traub, R., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., and Tarasevich, I. V., Open discussion, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 47 - 49.PDF icon 46734.pdf (197.18 KB)
R. Traub, Busvine, J. R., Boese, J. L., and Fabrikant, I. B., Open discussion, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, p. 95.PDF icon 46736.pdf (63.05 KB)
D. E. Weidhaas, Cole, M. M., Busvine, J. R., Steinberg, M., Traub, R., Smith, C. N., Gratz, N. G., and Makara, G., Open discussion: Biology and control of lice, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 209 - 211.PDF icon 46740.pdf (216.29 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Gaon, J. A., Murray, E. S., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Fabrikant, I. B., Woodward, T. E., Snyder, J. C., Kostrzewski, J., Gear, J. H., Wegner, Z., Ludwig, H. Wolfgang, Cole, M. M., Brooks, M. A., Ormsbee, R. A., and Smith, C. N., Open discussion: Biology and control of lice: A. Bionomics of lice, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 169 - 172.PDF icon 46433.pdf (248.94 KB)
R. Traub, Gaon, J. A., Gratz, N. G., Busvine, J. R., and Reeves, W. C., Open discussion: Ecology of Louse-borne infections, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 102 - 103.
C. N. Smith, Fox, J. P., J. Vinson, W., Schoof, H. F., Robbins, W. E., Perry, A. S., Busvine, J. R., and Gratz, N. G., Open discussion: Experimental louse control methods, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 248 - 250.PDF icon 46741.pdf (161.85 KB)
R. Traub, Gratz, N. G., Busvine, J. R., Gaon, J. A., Tarizzo, M. L., Reeves, W. C., May, J. M., Makara, G., Babione, R. W., Fox, J. P., and Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session I: Open discussion, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 290 - 292.
J. R. Busvine, Weidhaas, D. E., and Smith, C. N., Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session II, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 293 - 297.PDF icon 46744.pdf (359.98 KB)
B. L. Elisberg, Reeves, W. C., J. Vinson, W., Wisseman, Jr., C. L., Makara, G., Murray, E. S., Gaon, J. A., Busvine, J. R., Gear, J. H., and Fabrikant, I. B., Panel leaders' reports: Summaries of session II: Open discussion, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the control of lice and louse-borne diseases, vol. 263, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Pan American Health Organization, 1973, pp. 298 - 301.PDF icon 46745.pdf (276.99 KB)
J. R. Busvine, Introductory Remarks., in International Symposium on the Control of Lice and Lice Bourne Disease, 1972, vol. Washington, pp. 149 - 158.PDF icon 40345.pdf (375.01 KB)


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