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N. Wilson, Some ectoparasites from Indiana mammals, Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 281 - 282, 1957.PDF icon 43725.pdf (841.48 KB)
H. O. Mönnig, Order Phthiraptera (lice), in Veterinary helminthology and entomology, 4th ed., London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1956, pp. 389-397, 489-490.PDF icon 61531.pdf (556.38 KB)
C. Moreby, Control of human lice and scabies, in Insecticides and repellents for the control of insects of medical importance to the armed forces, vol. 977, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1955, pp. 59-65.PDF icon 61532.pdf (2.4 MB)
H. Mooser and Weyer, F., Künstliche Infektion von Läusen mit Borrelia duttoni, Zeitschrift fur Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 28 - 45, 1954.PDF icon 46834.pdf (1.51 MB)
W. Eichler and Wasserburger, H. - J., Schafhaarlingsbekämpfung durch Aerosol-Sprizpistole, in Insektizide heutzutafe. 8th. Ed., W. Eichler, Ed. Berlin: Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, 1954, pp. 215 - 217.PDF icon 43666.pdf (5.71 MB)
W. W. Judd, Some records of ectoparasitic Acarina and Insecta from mammals in Ontario, Journal of Parasitology, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 349 - 350, 1954.PDF icon 43672.pdf (88.84 KB)


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