Academic education:
-Médico Veterinario (Universidad de Concepción, Chile).
- PhD in Veterinary Medicine (Superior School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany).
-founding member of the Antarctic Wildlife Health Working Group of SCAR-EGBAMM
- Member of the Chilean Antarctic Program and the SCAR Antarctic Wildlife Health Monitoring Working Group working group.
Scientific publications:
Over 400 publications (including 2 books and 23 book chapters), published with many coauthors, covering diverse aspects of the biology, ecology and systematics of ecto- and endoparasites of mammals and birds from South America and the Antarctic Continent.
15 scholarships and awards received from the Universidad de Concepción, as well as Chilean, German and Swedish Institutions, from 2003 until 2019.
Supervisor of Postgrad Students:
Over 130 theses of various levels, about parasitological and veterinary subjects.