
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
F. Balát1974Ornithobius matthewsi - eine neue Mallophagenart der Graugans, Anser anser L
T. Clay1974The Phthiraptera parasitic on flamingoes (Phoenicopteridae: Aves)
T. Clay1974The macrogenitalis group of Strigiphilus (Philopteridae: Phthiraptera)
W. Eichler, Abul-Hab J.1974Neue und wenig bekannte Haustierparasiten. V. Columbicola montschadskyi als Haustaubenmallophage
L. R. Guimarães1974Ischnocera (Mallophaga) infesting parrots (Psittaciformes) I. Genera Neopsittaconirmus Conci, 1942, and Psittaconirmus Harrison, 1915
L. R. Guimarães1974Ischnocera (Mallophaga) infesting parrots (Psittaciformes). II. Genera Psittoecus Conci, 1942, and Forficuloecus Conci, 1941
P. R. Kettle1974Aquanirmus australis n. sp. (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from the New Zealand dabchick, Podiceps rufopectus
H. Wolfgang Ludwig, Stahl P.1974Infestation of pigeons with pigen lice Columbicola columbae columbae
J. M. Martens1974Zur Taxonomie der Gattung Saemundssonia Timmermann (Mallophaga: Ischnocera) auf Schnepfen (Scolopacinae) und Strandlaufern (Eroliinae).
J. Tendeiro1974Estudos sobre os Goniodideos (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) dos Columbiformes. XVI - Observações adicionais sobre o género Nitzschiella Kéler, 1939, com descrição de cinco espécies novas
G. Timmermann1974Gruppenrevisionen bei Mallophagen. X. Die Cummingsiella (fruher Quadraceps) - Arten der Alcidae
P. Torres, Franjola, R., Yáñez, L., Díaz, V., González, E., Montecinos, M. I.1974Estudio preliminar sobre helmintos y artropodos del Gallus gallus domesticus en la Provincia de Vadivia, Chile
S. H. Weisbroth, Seelig, Jr A. W.1974Struthiolipeurus rheae (Mallophaga: Philopteridae), an ectoparasite of the common rhea (Rhea americana)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith