
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
J. Boomker, Horak, I. G., Booyse, D. G., Meyer, S.1991Parasites of South African wildlife. VIII. Helminth and arthropod parasites of warthogs, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, in the eastern Transvaal
I. G. Horak, Anthonissen, M., Krecek, R. C., Boomker, J.1992Arthropod Parasites of Springbok, Gemsbok, Kudus, Giraffes and Burchell and Hartmann Zebras in the Etosha and Hardap Nature- Reserves, Namibia
J. W. Mertins, Schlater, J. L., Corn, J. L.1992Ectoparasites of the blackbuck antelope (Antilope cervicapra)
P. W. Johnson, Boray, J. C., Plant, J. W., Blunt, S. C.1993Prevalence of the causes of fleece derangement among sheep flocks in New South Wales
A. C. G. Heath, Cooper, S. M., Cole, D. J., Bishop, D. M.1995Evidence for the role of the sheep biting-louse Bovicola ovis in producing cockle, a sheep pelt defect
B. Egri, Sarkozy, P., Banhidy, G.1995Prevalence of botfly larvae and lice in studs of North Caucasus (Stawropol County, Russia)
L. J. M. Kusiluka, Kambarage, D. M., Matthewman, R. W., Daborn, C. J., Harrison, L. J. S.1995Prevalence of ectoparasites of goats in Tanzania
M. el-Damarany1997Helminth and arthropod parasites of sandy fox, Vulpes ruppeli (Fissipedea; Carnivora) from Sohag, with redescription of Platynosomum fastosum (Digenea: Dicrocoeliidae)
H. Lassnig, Prosl, H., Hinterdorfer, F.1998Parasites of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Styria
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T.1999Prevalence and clustering of louse infestation in Queensland sheep flocks
N. R. Bryson, Horak, I. G., Hohn, E. W., Louw, J. P.2000Ectoparasites of dogs belonging to people in resource-poor communities in North West Province, South Africa
M. H. Bartel, Gardner S. Lyell2000Arthropod and helminth parasites from the Plains Pocket Gopher, Geomys bursarius bursarius from the hosts' northern boundary range in Minnesota
I. G. Horak, Gallivan, G. J., Braack, L. E. O., Boomker, J., De Vos, V.2003Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XLI. Arthropod parasites of impalas (Aepyceros melampus) in the Kruger National Park
G. Dominguez2004North Spain (Burgos) wild mammals ectoparasites
J. A. Ityavyar, Yager, G. O., Jayeola, O. Abiola, Iwar, R. T.2019A study of the prevalence of ecto and endo parasites of Nile Rat Arvicanthis niloticus Dismarest (1822) in rural areas of Benue State, Nigeria for successful domestication of the species
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith