
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
V. Bozdech, erný V. Č.197865th birthday of Prof. Dr. Wolfdietrich Eichler
T. Hiepe, Odening K.197865th birthday of Wolfdietrich Eichler
Ddel Carmen Castro, Cicchino A. Conrado1978A contribution to the knowledge of the Mallophaga of Argentina III: some Menoponidae of the Buenos Aires avian fauna: Menacanthus eurysternus (Burmeister) y Menacanthus pici (Denny) (Insecta: Mallophaga)
H. J. Griffiths1978A handbook of veterinary parasitology: domestic animals of North America
R. D. Price1978A new name for Colpocephalum abbotti Price (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
W. W. Hill, Tuff D. W.1978A review of the Mallophaga parasitizing the Columbiformes of North America north of Mexico
K. Chung Kim1978Anoplura
E. Mey1978Augensekret - Trinken bei Mallophagen
S. Kadulski1978Biting louse Rhapdopedilon longicornis (Nitzsch) (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from red deer - Cervus elaphus L.
V. Khachoian, Araklian L.1978Case of the transmission of the rat trypanosome by lice
M. Vasiliu1978Catalogul malofagelor din Colecția "Stefan Negru" aflată la muzeul județean Suceava
I. L. Zaugg1978Comparative antigeniv analysis of the cattle lice Haematopinus eurysternus, H. quadripertusus and Linognathus vituli
A. Conrado Cicchino1978Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos II. Hohorstiella picui n. sp., parasita de Columbina picui picui (Temminck) (Mallophaga-Menoponidae)
A. Mocci Demartis, Restivo M. Antonietta1978Contributo all studio dei Mallofagi di rapaci diurni
A. C. Mishra, Singh K. N.1978Description of Haemtopinus oliveri nov. spec. (Anoplura: Haematopinidae) parasitizing Sus salvanius in India
J. Rékási1978Die Federling-Sammlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums. I.
M. Suicu, Popescu A.1978Donneés sur les éctoparasites des Soricidae de la Roumaine
C. W. Schaefer1978Ecological separation of the human head lice and body lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
A. M. Manville1978Ecto- and endoparasites of the black bear in northern Wisconsin
F. Kamyszek1978Ectoparasites as vectors of skin micosis
H. J. Harlan, Palmer, Jr. D. B.1978Ectoparasites of mammals and birds from Fort Bragg, North Carolina
V. E. Sklyar1978Ectoparasites of small mammals and dwellers of their nests in Virgin and cultured biotopes as connected with anthropogenic factor
V. I. Volkov, Dolgikh, A. M., Katsko, V. I., Zarubina, V. N., Prasolova, N. N.1978Ectoparasites of small mammals from the north-eastern part of Baikal-Amur Railway
G. Vasil`Ev, Antsiferov, M., Voropanov, I., Vinokur, B., Kireeva, S.1978Ectoparasites of small mammals, their nests and of the nests of birds in the floodblain of the Kamchatka river
H. N. Kaul, Mishra, A. C., Dhanda, V., Kulkarni, S. M., Guttikar, S. N.1978Ectoparasitic arthropods of birds and mammals from Rajasthan State, India
E. van den Broek1978Einige Ektoparasiten (Siphonaptera und Anoplura) von der Rötelmaus im Kanton Graubünden
J. Tendeiro1978Estudos sobre os Goniodideos (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) dos Columbiformes. XVII - Novas observações sobre os generos Campanulotes Kéler, Saussurites Tendeiro e Stephanius Tendeiro
J. R. Busvine1978Evidence from double infestations for the specific status of human head and body lice (Anoplura)
K. V. Lakshminarayana, Emerson K. C.1978Evolutionary trend in two sympatric species of Goniocotes (Phthiraptera: Ischnocerophthirina) with remarks on their phylogeny
J. McKean, DeWitt J.1978External parasite control
E. C. Loomis1978External parasites
I. G. Horak1978External parasites of dogs and cats
P. Mehrotra, Singh T.1978Haematopinus sp found on Indian goats
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1978Head lice in the Netherlands: susceptibility for insecticides in field samples
I. Dittmann, Eichler W.1978Head louse of man (Pediculus capitis)
E. M. Addison, Pybus, M. J., Rietveld, H. J.1978Helminth and arthropod parasites of black bear, Ursus americanus, in central Ontario
E. Dynum, Ward, C., Meeks, D.1978Hog louse Haematopinus suis population growth and distribution on its host
M. Mazzini1978Indagine comparativa sulle stutture microphilari e corionidee delle uova di Pediculus humanus capitis e Haematopinus suis (Insecta, Anoplura)
P. Dreux1978La faune entomologique de l'île Heard
M. J. Faucheux1978Les poux de l´homme:2. Les species Muccales chez Pediculus humanus capitis de Geer, et Pthirus pubis (L.)
N. A. Nikulina1978Lice fauna (Anoplura) of small mammals from the Charskaya Hollow
J. Gonin1978Lice: an important problem of school medicine
J. Złotorzycka1978Mallophaga. Superfamily Philopteroidea, family Philopteridae
J. Złotorzycka1978Mallophaga. Superfamily Philopteroidea, family Rallicolidae
J. Porkert1978Massenvermehrung von Goniocotes megalocephalus auf einem traumageschädigten Haselhahn
J. Porkert1978Massive infestation of Goniocotes megalocephalus on an injured hazel-cock
I. A. Fedorenko1978Materials on the Mallophaga fauna on Passeriformes of the Ukraine. Communication IV. Philopterinae (Mallophaga, Ischnocera). Part 2
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1978Miscellaneous notes on the toxicity of some insecticides for the head louse, Pediculus capitis DeGeer (Anoplura)
A. Derylo1978More important adaptations of Mallophaga
J. M. Doby, Beaucournu, J. - C., Kim, K. Chung, Kremer, M., Leger, N., Leclercq, M., Olufsjev, N. G., Challier, A., Fain, A.1978Morphology and taxonomy of parasitic arthropoda


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith