
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
V. Lyman Kellogg, Paine J. Howard1910Mallophaga from birds and mammals
B. Frederic Cummings1913On some nondescript Anoplura and Mallophaga
V. Lyman Kellogg, Nakayama S.1914Mallophaga of the vizcacha
L. J. S. Harrison1922On the mallophagan family Trimenoponidae; with a description of a new genus and species from an American marsupial
G. Floyd Ferris1922The mallophagan family Trimenoponidae
F. Leoni Werneck1933Sobre uma nova especie de Mallophaga encontrada na chinchilla (Trimenoponidae)
F. Leoni Werneck1935Notas para o estudo da ordem Mallophaga
F. Leoni Werneck1935Oito especies novas de Mallophaga encontradas em mammiferos (Nota previa)
F. Leoni Werneck1937Nova especie do genero Cummingsia (Mallophaga: Trimenoponidae)
J. Colas-Belcoure, Nicolle P.1938Sur le parasitisme du cobaye par un mallophage sud-americaine, Trimenopon jenningsi K. et présence de sang et de rickettsies dans la tube digestive de l'insecte
K. C. Emerson1940A new Trimenopon from Panama (Mallophaga: Trimenoponidae)
Törne von,1941Trimenopon jenningsi on rats
G. H. E. Hopkins1948Stray notes on Mallophaga. - VIII
G. Neuffer1954Die Mallophagenhaut und ihre differenzierungen
C. Mayer1954Vergleichende untersuchungen am skelett Muskelsystem des thorax der Mallophagen unter Berücksichtigung des nervensystems
W. Schmutz1955Zur Konstruktionsmorphologie des männlichen Geschlechtsapparates der Mallophagen
E. Méndez1967Description of a new genus and species of (Trimenoponidae from Panama Mallophaga)
T. Clay1970The Amblycera (Phthiraptera: Insecta)
E. Méndez1971A new species of the genus Cummingsia Ferris from the Republic of Colombia
S. von Kéler1971A revision of the Australian Boopiidae (Insecta: Phthiraptera): with notes on the Trimenoponidae
A. Conrado Cicchino, Castro Ddel Carmen1984Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos XV. Una nueva especie del genero Philandesia Kellogg y Nakayama, 1914 (Mallophaga-Trimenoponidae)
R. M. Timm, Price R. D.1985A review of Cummingsia Ferris (Mallophaga, Trimenoponidae), with a description of two new species
R. D. Price, Emerson K. C.1986New species of Cummingsia Ferris (Mallophaga: Trimenoponidae) from Peru and Venezuela
R. M. Timm, Price R. D.1988A new Cummingsia (Mallophaga: Trimenoponidae) from a Peruvian mouse-opossum (Marsupialia)
R. M. Timm, Price R. D.1989Cummingsia micheneri, a new species of Mallophaga (Trimenoponidae) from a Venezuelan mouse-opossum (Marsupialia)
J. Pequin1997Pediculosis due to Trimenopon in a guinea pig
I. K. Marshall2003A morphological phylogeny for four families of amblyceran lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae, Boopidae, Laemobothriidae, Ricinidae)
M. Paiva Valim, Amorim, M., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2004Parasitismo por Acari e Phthiraptera em cobaios [Cavia Porcellus[sic!] (Linnaeus, 1758)] de ambientes rural e urbano nos municípios de Silva Jardim e Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
E. Mey2005Psittacobrosus bechsteini: a new extinct chewing louse (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Amblycera) off the Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor (Psittaciiformes), with an annotated review of fossil and recently extinct animal lice
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith