
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
A. Frances Colvin, Reeve, I., Kahn, L. Phillip, Thompson, L. Joy, Horton, B. J., Walkden-Brown, S. William2022Prevalence of sheep lice and trends in control practices across Australia – Australian sheep parasite control surveys from 2003 to 2019
L. Tran, Rawlin, G. T., Beddoe, T.2022Development of molecular detection methods of Bovicola ovis from sheep fleece
S. R. Kakabwa, Amin, O. Mahmood, Polus, N. N., Mawlood, N. A.2021A survey on the prevalence of some ectoparasite species infesting sheep and goats in Kalar district, Kurdistan region, Iraq
B. Ouarti, Mediannikov, O., Righi, S., Benakhla, A., Raoult, D., Parola, P.2021Molecular detection of microorganisms in lice collected from farm animals in Northeastern Algeria
G. Devi, Ajith, Y., Mal, G., Dimri, U., Prasanna, P., Jairath, G., Kattoor, J. Jose, Jacob, S. Susan, Singh, B., Dhar, J. Babu2021Migratory Gaddi sheep and goats as potential carriers of Theileria infection: a molecular survey
V. Susantie Syamsul, Okene, I. Abdul- Azee, Che_Yahya, S. Nor, Hamdan, R. Hayati, Lee, S. - H., Tan, L. - P.2020Prevalence of Ectoparasitism on Small Ruminants in Kelantan, Malaysia
N. M. Eisawi, El-Hussein, A. Rahim M., Hassan, D. A., Musa, A. B., Hussien, M. O., Enan, K. A., Bakheit, M. A.2020A molecular prevalence survey on Anaplasma infection among domestic ruminants in Khartoum State, Sudan
D. Tulu_Robi, Urge B.2018Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Ectoparasite of Sheep and Goat in Yeki district in Southwestern Ethiopia
D. Tulu_Robi, Urge B.2018Prevalence and associated risk factors of ectoparasite of sheep and goat in debub bench district of bench maji zone in southwestern Ethiopia
H. Bedada, Alemayehu, G., Gizaw, F., Chala, G.2016The epidemiology of major ectoparasites of sheep and the effectiveness of the control campaign employed in Tiyo and Diksis Districts, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Z. Seyoum, Tadesse, T., Addisu, A.2015Ectoparasites Prevalence in Small Ruminants in and around Sekela, Amhara Regional State, Northwest Ethiopia
T. Yeasmin, Khanum, H., Zaman, R. Farhana2015Seasonal prevalence of arthropoda and helminth parasites in sheep (Ovis aries)
H. Bedada, Terefe, G., Tolossa, Y. Hailu2015Current Status of Ectoparasites in Sheep and Management Practices against the Problem in Ectoparasites Controlled and Uncontrolled Areas of Arsi Zone in Oromia Region, Ethiopia
S. Amare, Asfaw, Y., Tolossa, Y. Hailu2014Ectoparasites of Sheep and Goats in North-West Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
T. Bayisa, Ibrahim, N., Dargie, M.2013Prevalence of Ovine Ectoparasites in and Around Ambo Town, Ethiopia
B. Shibeshi, Bogale, B., Chanie, M.2013Ectoparasite of Small Ruminants in Guto-Gidda District,East Wollega, Western Ethiopia
T. Fentahun, Woldemariam, F., Chanie, M., Berhan, M.2012Prevalence of Ectoparasites on Small Ruminants in and Around Gondar Town
B. Kumsa, Beyecha, K., Geloye, M.2012Ectoparasites of sheep in three agro-ecological zones in central Oromia, Ethiopia
A. Tadesse, Fentaw, E., Mekbib, B., Abebe, R., Mekuria, S., Zewdu, E.2011Study on the prevalence of ectoparasite infestation of ruminanats in and around Kombolcha and damage to fresh goat pelts and wet blue (pickled) skin at Kombolch Tannary, Northestern Ethiopia
M. Chanie, Negash, T., Sirak, A.2010Ectoparasites are the major causes of various types of skin lesions in small ruminants in Ethiopia
Y. Hailu Tolossa, Tefera, Y., Ayana, D.2008Part I: Ectoparasite prevalences in sheep and in goats in and around Wolaita Soddo, Southern Ethiopia
C. Morgan-Davies, Waterhouse, A., Milne, C. E., Stott, A. W.2006Farmers' opinions on welfare, health and production practices in extensive hill sheep flocks in Great Britain
B. Bisdorff, Wall, R., Milnes, A.2006Prevalence and regional distribution of scab, lice and blowfly strike in Great Britain
P. J. James, Riley M. J.2004The prevalence of lice on sheep and control practices in South Australia
C. R. Stevenson, Mahoney, R. H., Fisara, P., Strehlau, G., Reichel, M. P.2002The efficacy of formulations of triclabendazole and ivermectin in combination against liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and gastro-intestinal nematodes in cattle and sheep and sucking lice species in cattle
P. Parola, Shpynov, S., Montoya, M., Lopez, M., Houpikian, P., Zeaiter, Z., Guerra, H., Raoult, D.2002First molecular evidence of new Bartonella spp. in fleas and a tick from Peru
Y. Deger, Dede, S., Deger, S.2002Short communication serum copper, zinc, and calcium concentrations in lice-infested sheep
P. J. James, Carmichael, I. H., Pfeffer, A., Martin, R. R., O'Callaghan, M. G.2002Variation among Merino sheep in susceptibilty to lice (Bovicola ovis) and association with susceptibility to trichostrongylid gastrointestinal parasites
P. J. James, Garrett, J. A., Moon, R. D.2002Sensitivity of two-stage sampling to detect sheep biting lice (Bovicola ovis) in infested flocks
J. M. Pérez, Palma R. L.2001A new species of Felicola (Phthiraptera : Trichodectidae) from the endangered Iberian lynx: another reason to ensure its survival
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.2001Surveys to assess the amount of pesticide in wool and the use of pesticides by woolgrowers in Queensland
S. Crawford, James, P. J., Maddocks, S.2001Survival away from sheep and alternative methods of transmission of sheep lice (Bovicola ovis)
L. J. Fourie, Horak I. G.2000Status of dorper sheep as hosts of ectoparasites
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.2000Inspection of wool lots at sales as a diagnostic test for louse infestation
N. G. Madeira, Amarante, A. F., Padovani, C. Roberto2000Diversity of ectoparasites in sheep flocks in São Paulo, Brazil
D. R. Hennessy, Darwish, A., Maxwell, C. A.2000Increased control of the sheep biting louse Bovicola (Damalinia) ovis with deltamethrin formulated in a fractionated wool grease carrier
G. Levot2000Resistance and the control of lice on humans and production animals
A. Darwish, Hennessy, D. R., Maxwell, C. A.1999Production and oxidation of wool grease after shearing
A. J. Lymbery, Dadour I. R.1999Genetic structure of the Bovicola ovis (Mallophaga : Trichodectidae) in southwestern Australia
P. J. James1999Do sheep regulate the size of their mallophagan louse populations?
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T.1999Prevalence and clustering of louse infestation in Queensland sheep flocks
P. J. James, Moon R. D.1999Spatial distribution and spread of sheep biting lice, Bovicola ovis, from point infestations
N. J. Campbell, Hanrahan, P. D., Russell, I. M., Roberts, G. S., Horton, B. J.1998Modelling pesticide residues on greasy wool: experimental studies
A. R. B. Higgs, Morcombe, P. W., Love, R. A., Young, G. E.1998Further evidence that zinc sulphate compromises the efficacy of dipping treatments using diazinon to control sheep lice (Bovicola ovis)
K. G. I. Jayawardena, Heller-Haupt, A., Woodland, R. M., Varma, M. G. R.1998Antigens of the sheep scab mite Psoroptes ovis
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.1998Pesticide use and residues on Queensland wool
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.1998Trends in the use of pesticides and pesticide residues on Queensland wool
P. J. James, Moon R. D.1998Pruritis and dermal response to insect antigens in sheep infested with Bovicola ovis
P. J. James, Moon, R. D., Brown, D. R.1998Seasonal dynamics and variation among sheep in densities of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis
P. J. James, Moon, R. D., Ragsdale, D. W.1998Serum and skin surface antibodies and their associations with sheep biting lice, Bovicola ovis, on experimentally infested sheep


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith