
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
P. R. Cohen2022“Doctor, You Must Examine My Creature Collection!”: A Case Report of Delusional Infestation
V. A. Irdeeva, Shendo, G. L., Arakelyan, R. S., Korolkova, V. S., Maslyaninova, A. E., Rudchik, T. A., Nugmanova, A. R., Ismukhambetova, M. M., Ashimova, K. M., Dzhumataeva, N. T.2021ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПЕДИКУЛЕЗА У ДЕТЕЙ В АСТРАХАНСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ
W. J. Schmidt1939Über physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften des Sekretes, mit dem Pediculus capitis seine Eier ankittet
H. Lüdtke, Hopp H.1953Über Gewebeschäden bei Pediculus vestimenti N. nach Einwirkung chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe (DDT, HCC, Matacid)
W. Pick1926Über den Geruchsinn der Läuse
H. Walter Frickhinger1916Über das Geruchsvermögen der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus corporis De Geer, vestimenti Nitzsch)
O. Puchta1956Züchtungsversuche an den Symbionten von Pediculus vestimenti BURM. nebst physiologischen und morphologischen Beobachtungen
H. Fahrenholz1919Zur Nomenklatur einiger Anopluren-Arten. II
H. Fahrenholz1916Zur Nomenklatur einiger Anopluren-Arten
F. Weyer1978Zur Frage der zunehmenden Verlausung und der Rolle von Läusen als Krankheitüberträger
Galewsky,1915Zur behandlung und prophylaxe de Kleiderläuse (Pediculus humanus corporis)
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R. M. Adams, Jr.1996You ought to have your Head Examined: Pediculosis Capitis Redux
D. M. Bland, Long, D., Rosenke, R., B. Hinnebusch, J.2024Yersinia pestis can infect the Pawlowsky glands of human body lice and be transmitted by louse bite
R. Homp1938Wärmeorientierung von Pediculus vestimenti
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B. Styczynska1964Wrazliwosc wszy odziezowych Pediculus humanus humanus L. na insektycydy chlorowane w zaleznosci od temperatury
S. Gowtham, Karthikeyan K.2019Wonder drug for worms: A review of three decades of ivermectin use in dermatology
S. Firooziyan, Sadaghianifar, A., Ghahvechi_Khaligh, F., Oshaghi, M. Ali, Gholizadeh, S.2020Wolbachia Endosymbiant Was Not Detected in Field Collected Population of Head and Body Lice From Iran Using Molecular Markers
H. M. Díaz-Alejo, Martínez-Alesón, P., Costas, E.2020Why do we iron clothes? Tracking its origins based on a sanitary hypothesis
M. Akhoundi, Sereno, D., Marteau, A., Bruel, C., Izri, A.2020Who Bites Me? A Tentative Discriminative Key to Diagnose Hematophagous Ectoparasites Biting Using Clinical Manifestations
N. Amanzougaghene, Fenollar, F., Raoult, D., Mediannikov, O.2020Where Are We With Human Lice? A Review of the Current State of Knowledge
A. Płaszczyńska, Sławińska, M., Nowicki, T. K., Śmigielski, G., Nowicki, R. J., Sobjanek, M.2021When dermoscopy supports the final diagnosis. A phlegmon and abscess of the neck as a complication of pediculosis capitis
A. T. Dagrosa, Elston D. M.2017What’s Eating You? Head Lice (Pediculus humanus capitis)
J. E. Light, Toups, M. A., Reed, D. L.2008What's in a name: The taxonomic status of human head and body lice
D. M. Elston1999What's eating you? Pediculus humanus (head louse and body louse)
E. S. Nyers, Elston D. M.2020What's eating you? human body lice (Pediculus humanus corporis)
H. Mehta, Kumar, S., Bishnoi, A.2022What's bugging you: A closer look at the crab louse
G. Foucher, Faure S.2021What is pediculosis?
A. Naeem, Shehzadi A.2021Versatile Fusion of Renown Pediculicidal Agents: An Innovative Thought
A. Hase1916Vergleichende Beobachtungen an den Eiern und Larven des Menschenflohs (Pulex irritans L.), der Kleiderlaus (Pediculus corporis de Geer) und der Bettwanze (Cimex lectularius L.)
E. Hucklenbruch-Rother, Weckbecker K.2022Verdacht auf Kopfläuse
E. V. Melnik, Belova, M. V., Potskhveriya, M. M., Simonova, A. Yu, Tyurin, I. A., Ramenskaya, G. V.2021Veratrum Alkaloid Determination in Four Cases of Veratrum Aqua Poisonings
G. I. Giraldo-Calderón, Harb, O. S., Kelly, S. A., Rund, S. S. C., Roos, D. S., McDowell, M. updates: bioinformatic resources for invertebrate vectors of human pathogens and related organisms
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S. Lambiase, M. Perotti A.2019Using human head lice to unravel neglect and cause of death
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2000Use of topical nicotine for treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anaplura : Pediculidae)
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Friger, M., Cohen, R.2006Use of temperature and water immersion to control the human body louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
A. Eduardo Co Cardoso, Cardoso, A. Eduardo Oi, Talhari, C., Santos, M.2020Update on parasitic dermatoses
L. Landois1865Untersuchungen über die auf dem Menschen schmarotzenden Pediculinen. IV. Anatomie des Pediculus capitis
L. Landois1865Untersuchungen über die auf dem Menschen schmarotzenden Pediculinen. III. Anatomie des Pediculus vestimenti Nitzsch
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M. Adly, Woo, T. Evart, Traboulsi, D., Klassen, D., Hardin, J.2021Understanding Dermatologic Concerns Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness: A Scoping Review and Discussion for Improved Delivery of Care
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A. P. Retana-Salazar, Retana-Salazar S. A.2006Un error de interpretación antropológica: Pediculus humanus y el origen de la vestimenta.
S. Chaika1981Ultrastructure of the chemoreceptive antennal sensillae of the body louse Pediculus humanus corporis (Pediculidae, Anoplura)
I. S. Chaika, Mazokhin-Porshniakov G. A.1988Ultrastructural characteristics of the simple eyes of the louse Pediculus humanus corporis
N. Pusvita, Thuraidah, A., Rifqoh, R., Rakhmina, D.2022Uji Efektivitas Air Perasan Daun Jeruk Limau Kuit ( Citrus hystrix ) Sebagai Insektisida Nabati Terhadap Mortalitas Kutu Rambut Pediculus humanus capitis Secara In Vitro
A. Polak, Pawlikowska-Łagód, K., Zagaja, A., Grzybowski, A.2022Typhus works of Rudolf Weigl, PhD, Ludwik Fleck, MD, and Eugeniusz Łazowski, MD, against the Nazis


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith