
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
T. Clay1974The Phthiraptera parasitic on flamingoes (Phoenicopteridae: Aves)
T. Clay1974Latumcephalum (Boopidae: Phthiraptera: Insecta)
A. Derylo, Gogacz E.1974Attempts to determine blood amount taken from hens by bird lice (Eomenacanthus stramineus Nitzsch) by using radioactive chromium as a labelling factor
W. Eichler, Sixl W.1974Rasterelektronenmikroskopische aufnahmen von Eomenacanthus stramineus
E. S. Eveleigh, Threlfall W.1974A new species, and notes on a previously described species, of Austromenopon Bedford, 1939 (Mallophaga: Amblycera) from alcids (Aves: Charadriiformes)
I. A. Fedorenko1974On the problem of some Ukrainian Passeriformes infestation with Mallophga
L. R. Guimarães1974Ischnocera (Mallophaga) infesting parrots (Psittaciformes) I. Genera Neopsittaconirmus Conci, 1942, and Psittaconirmus Harrison, 1915
H. F. Klockenhoff1974Zur Taxonomie der Myrsideen (Myrsidea Waterston, 1915: Mallophaga) von Corvus torquatus und dautiricus
H. F. Klockenhoff1974Zur Taxonomie der Myrsideen (Myrsidea Waterston: Mallophaga) amerikanischer Rabenvogel (Corvus L.)
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1974El género Menacanthus (Mallophaga: Insecta) en España
M. Paz Martín-Mateo1974Observaciones sobre algunas especies de Menoponidae (Mallophaga: Insecta) parásitas de aves domésticas en España
K. W. Page1974Automatic control of guinea-pig lice with a synergised pyrethrins aerosol
R. D. Price1974A review of the genus Pseudomenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
R. D. Price, Emerson K. C.1974A new species of Colpocephalum (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from an Indian flamingo
R. K. Srivastava1974Studies on the anatomy and histology of various organ systems of Laemobothrion percnopteri (Gervais); Mallophaga: Amblycera
P. Torres, Franjola, R., Yáñez, L., Díaz, V., González, E., Montecinos, M. I.1974Estudio preliminar sobre helmintos y artropodos del Gallus gallus domesticus en la Provincia de Vadivia, Chile
G. Wobeser, Johnson, G. R., Acompanado, G.1974Stomatitis in a juvenile white pelican due to Piagetiella peralis (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith