
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
T. Chiuya, Masiga, D. K., Falzon, L. C., Bastos, A. D. S., Fèvre, E. M., Villinger, J.2021Tick‐borne pathogens, including Crimean‐Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, at livestock markets and slaughterhouses in western Kenya
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W. A. Maier, Grunewald, J., Habedank, B., Hartelt, K., Kampen, H., Kimmig, P., Naucke, T., Oehme, R., Vollmer, A., Schöler, A., Schmitt, C.2003Mögliche Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen auf die Ausbreitung von primär humanmedizinisch relevanten Krankheitserregern über tierische Vektoren sowie auf die wichtigen Humanparasiten in Deutschland
E. H. McClure1968Migratory Animal Pathological Survey Annual Progress Report 1967
D. Otranto2018Arthropod-borne pathogens of dogs and cats: From pathways and times of transmission to disease control
G. Parra-Henao, Alarcón-Pineda, E. P., López-Valencia, G., Ramíre-Monroy, D. M., Jaramillo-Crespo, G. E.2011Detection of ectoparasites in wild birds evaluated in Medellin (Colombia)
L. A. Gomez-Puerta, Luján-Vega C.2018Contribución al conocimiento de los malófagos (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Ischnocera) de aves del Perú. Parte 2
D. Tahir, Davoust, B., Parola, P.2019Vector-borne nematode diseases in pets and humans in the Mediterranean Basin: An update
P. Waindok, Raue, K., Grilo, M. L., Siebert, U., Strube, C.2021Predators in northern Germany are reservoirs for parasites of One Health concern
M. Yonas, Welegerima, K., Laudisoit, A., Bauer, H., Gebrehiwot, K., Deckers, S., Katakweba, A., Makundi, R., Leirs, H.2011Preliminary investigation on rodent-ectoparasite associations in the highlands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: implications for potential zoonoses
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith