
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
J. Doña, Sweet, A. D., Johnson, K. P.2020Comparing rates of introgression in parasitic feather lice with differing dispersal capabilities
F. Príncipe, Minaya, D., Cipriano, S., Naupay, A. I., Iannacone, J.2020Contributions to the knowledge of lice diversity (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) in birds from Peru
A. Durdle2020Insects as vectors of DNA in a forensic context
A. E. - A. S. S. Desoky2020A Study on Ectoparasites Associated on the White Bellied Rat, Rattus rattus frugivorus Captured from the Houses at Sohag Region, Sohag Governorate, Egypt
R. Soto Madrid, Sychra, O., Benedick, S., Edwards, D. P., Efeykin, B. D., Fandrem, M., Haugaasen, T., Teterina, A., Tomassi, S., Tolstenkov, O. O.2020Diversity and host associations of Myrsidea chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in the tropical rainforest of Malaysian Borneo
R. N. S. Flores‐Genuino, Gnilo, C. M. S., Dofitas, B. L.2020Occlusive versus neurotoxic agents for topical treatment of head lice infestation: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
D. R. Gustafsson, Bush S. E.2020A new subgenus and eight new species of Guimaraesiella Eichler, 1949 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae: Brueelia-complex)
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim, M. Paiva, Galloway, T. D.2020Description of the postembryonic stages of Mulcticola macrocephalus (Kellogg, 1896) (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera: Philopteridae)—CORRIGENDUM
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim, M. Paiva, Galloway, T. D.2020Description of the postembryonic stages of Mulcticola macrocephalus (Kellogg, 1896) (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera: Philopteridae)
F. G. Galassi, Picollo, M. Inés, González-Audino, P.2020Head Louse Feces: Chemical Analysis and Behavioral Activity
E. Adly, Nasser, M. Gamal El- D., Soliman, D., Al-Ashaal, S. A., Kenawy, M. A., Gustafsson, D. R., Alghamdi, K. M., Shehata, M.2020Analysis of phoretic relation between chewing lice and hippoboscid flies of Columba livia
D. González-Acuña, Veloso-Frías, J., Missene, C., Oyarzún-Ruiz, P., Fuentes, D., Kinsella, J. M., Mironov, S., Barrientos, C., Cicchino, A. Conrado, Moreno, L.2020External and gastrointestinal parasites of the Franklin’s Gull, Leucophaeus pipixcan (Charadriiformes: Laridae), in Talcahuano, central Chile
A. W. Bartlow, Agosta S. J.2020Phoresy in animals: review and synthesis of a common but understudied mode of dispersal
Z. Derbie, Mebrate G.2020Prevalence of Parasites on Local and Sasso Chicken in Extensive Production System in Ankober Woreda, North Shewa Zone
D. R. Gustafsson, Zou F.2020Descriptions of three congeneric species of chewing lice of the Oxylipeurus-complex (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from the turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, including a new genus and a new species
J. Martinů, Štefka, J., Poosakkannu, A., Hypša, V.2020“Parasite turnover zone” at secondary contact: A new pattern in host–parasite population genetics
N. Moreira, Vicente, F. L., Sandini, T. M., Martinelli, E. C. L., Navas-Suárez, P. E., Reis-Silva, T. M., Spinosa, H. S.2020Effects of ivermectin treatment during prepubertal and pubertal period on sexual parameters and sexual behavior in adulthood in rats
R. Pérez-Tanoira, Ramos, J. M., Martín-Martín, I., Prieto-Pérez, L., Tesfamariam, A., Tiziano, G., Anda, P., González-Martín-Niño, R. M., Rodríguez-Vargas, M., Gorgolas, M., Jado, I.2020Molecular Survey of Rickettsia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., Bartonella spp., and Borrelia spp. in Fleas and Lice in Ethiopia
K. Larkin, Rodríguez, C., Jamani, S., Fronza, G., Roca-Acevedo, G., Sanchez, A., Toloza, A. Ceferino2020First evidence of the mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in head lice (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) from Honduras
S. Veraldi, Nazzaro, G., Esposito, L., Genovese, G., Pontini, P., Gelmetti, C.2020Pthiriasis of the eyelashes
S. Veraldi, Scanni, G., Nazzaro, G.2020“Eczema” of the nape: A marker of pthiriasis capitis
S. A. Wong, Woodgate, R. G., Pant, S. D., Ghorashi, S. A.2020Rapid detection of Bovicola ovis using colourimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP): a potential tool for the detection of sheep lice infestation on farm
M. Ali, Ibrahim, R., Alahmadi, S., Elshazly, H.2020Ectoparasites and Intestinal Helminths of Pigeons in Medina, Saudi Arabia
E. Mey2020Notes on the descriptions of some Philopterus species (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae s. l.) of Reed warblers (Acrocephalidae), Kinglets (Regulidae) and Tits (Paridae): a response
T. Najer, Papoušek, I., Adam, C., Trnka, A., Quach, V. Thi, Nguyen, C. _N., Figura, R., Literák, I., Sychra, O.2020New records of Philopterus (Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from Acrocephalidae and Locustellidae, with description of one new species from Regulidae
D. R. Gustafsson, Lei, L., Chu, X., Zou, F.2020Review of Chinese species of the Oxylipeurus-complex (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae), with descriptions of two new genera and five new species
D. R. Gustafsson, Lei, L., Zou, F.2020Calidolipeurus, new genus for Lipeurus megalops Piaget, 1880 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Oxylipeurus-complex), with a redescription of the type species and a preliminary key to the Oxylipeurus-complex
J. P. Sanchez, Leonardi, M. Soledad, Debárbora, V., Di Benedetto, I. María Des, Ezquiaga, M. Cecilia, Gozzi, A. Cecilia, López-Berrizbeitia, F., Moreno-Salas, Ldel C., de la Fuente, M. Carolina S.2020Aportes en taxonomía, ecología e importancia sanitaria de los ectoparásitos de herpetozoos y mamíferos silvestres de la Argentina y Chile en la última década
J. S. Gutiérrez, Granadeiro, J. Pedro, Belo, J., Correia, E., Henriques, M., Moniz, F., Paulino, J., Tomás, A. Filipe Ven, Catry, T.2020Sunning in extreme heat by the critically endangered hooded vulture: a strategy to fight ectoparasites?
L. Norman Gillman, Wright S. Donald2020Restoring indigenous names in taxonomy
K. Candy, Akhoundi, M., Izri, A.2020Pediculicidal activity assessment of four essential oil terpenoids using filter contact and immersion bioassays
D. R. Gustafsson, Bush S. E.2020Descriptions of seven new species of Brueelia Kéler 1936 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from North American sparrows (Aves: Passeriformes: Passerellidae), and review of host use by Brueelia vulgata
C. Guzmán-Cornejo, Herrera-Mares, A., Ugalde-Medina, A., López-Pérez, A. M., Del_Castillo-Martínez, L., Acosta, R., Cabrera-Garrido, M., Morales-Malacara, J. B.2020Arthropods Associated with Mammals. Their Importance as Part of the Richness in a Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
R. J. Lamb, Galloway T. D.2020Stability of chewing louse (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) populations infesting great horned owls (Aves: Strigidae)
A. S. Mokhtar, Lau, Y. -ling, Wilson, J. - J., Abdul-Aziz, N. M.2020Genetic Diversity of Pediculus humanus capitis (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) in Peninsular Malaysia and Molecular Detection of Its Potential Associated Pathogens
M. Azlan Abd_Majid, Khoo, J. - J., Lim, F. - S., Khor, C. - S., Loong, S. - K., Van Lun, L. -, Lee, H. - Y., Abu_Bakar, S.2020Bacterial profiling of head lice isolated from the Orang Asli: A first report in Malaysia
M. Aćimović, Jeremić, K., Salaj, N., Gavarić, N., Kiprovski, B., Sikora, V., Zeremski, T.2020Marrubium vulgare L.: A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Overview
D. D. M. Agany, Potts, R., Gonzalez-Hernandez, J. L., Gnimpieba, E. Z., Pietri, J. E.2020Microbiome Differences between Human Head and Body Lice Ecotypes Revealed by 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing
Y. Ajith, Dimri, U., Madhesh, E., Gopalakrishnan, A., Verma, M. Ram, Samad, H. A., Reena, K. K., Chaudhary, A. Kumar, Devi, G., Bosco, J.2020Influence of weather patterns and air quality on ecological population dynamics of ectoparasites in goats
M. I. Alberfkani, Mero W. M. S.2020The Incidence of Scabies and Head Lice and Their Associated Risk Factors among Displaced People in Cham Mishko Camp, Zakho City, Duhok Province, Iraq
F. Albukhari, Almasri, R., Ghanem_Aldawsari, J., Badi_Almutairi, A., Mohammed_Alenazi, F., Mansour_Almutairi, T.2020KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF PARENTS AND SCHOOLS STAFF TOWARDS HEAD LICE INFESTATION IN RIYADH
N. Amanzougaghene, Mediannikov, O., Ly, T. Duc Anh, Gautret, P., Davoust, B., Fenollar, F., Izri, A.2020Molecular investigation and genetic diversity of Pediculus and Pthirus lice in France
C. M. Baak-Baak, Garcia-Rejon, J. E., Tzuc-Dzul, J., Nuñez-Corea, D., Arana-Guardia, R., Cetina-Trejo, R., Machain-Williams, C., Jimenez-Coello, M., Acosta-Viana, K., Torres-Chable, O. M., Pietri, J. E., Cigarroa-Toledo, N.2020Four Species of under-Reported Parasitic Arthropods in Mexico and Their Potential Role as Vectors of Pathogens
T. Babazadeh, Kouzekanani, K., Oliaei, S., Gaffari-fam, S., Abbasabad, G. Dargahi, Maleki-Chollou, K., Heidari, S.2020Assessing the link between head lice infestation and selected cognitive-behavioral factors in a sample of Iranian female adolescents
R. Barbieri, Signoli, M., Chevé, D., Costedoat, C., Tzortzis, S., Aboudharam, G., Raoult, D., Drancourt, M.2020Yersinia pestis: the Natural History of Plague
C. D. Lavallée, Galloway, T. D., Rochon, K.2020Infestation parameters of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) on bald eagles, Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae), in Manitoba, Canada
K. Bartosik, Tytuła, A., Zając, Z., Buczek, W., Jasztal-Kniażuk, A., Błaszkiewicz, P. Szczepan, Borzęcki, A.2020Scabies and Pediculosis in Penitentiary Institutions in Poland—A Study of Ectoparasitoses in Confinement Conditions
M. A. Basha, El_Moselhy, H. M., El_Mowafy, W. S. A.2020Pediculosis among school children in a primary school in Millij Village, Menoufia Governorate
H. Bhattacharyya, Medhi, G. Kumar, Pala, S., Sarkar, A., Lynrah, W., Kharmujai, O. Mary2020Nutritional status and personal hygiene practices of primary school children: A cross-sectional study from Meghalaya, India


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith