
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
G. W. Cooper, Penny D.1997Mass survival of birds across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary: molecular evidence
P. W. Johnson, Darwish, A., Dixon, R., Steel, J. W.1997Kinetic disposition of an aqueous formulation of alphacypermethrin applied to the dorsal mid-line of sheep with long wool and its effect on lice
W. Abebe, Asfaw, T., Genete, B., Kassa, B., Dorchies, P.1997Comparative studies of external parasites and gastro-intestinal helminths of chickens kept under different management system in and around Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
M. M. Cameron1997Can house dust mite-triggered atopic dermatitis be alleviated using acaricides?
L. A. Durden, Kollars, Jr., T. M., Patton, S., Gerhardt, R. R.1997Sucking lice (Anoplura) of mammals of Tennessee
D. R. Hennessy1997Physiology, pharmacology and parasitology
M. Maurin, Birtles, R., Raoult, D.1997Current knowledge of Bartonella species
A. Pfeffer, Phegan, M. D., Bany, J.1997Detection of homocytotropic antibody in lambs infested with the louse, Bovicola ovis, using a basophil histamine release assay
D. L. Reed, Hafner M. S.1997Host specificity of chewing lice on pocket gophers: a potential mechanism for cospeciation
S. Rehbein, Visser M.1997Ein Beitrag zum Vorkommen stationär-parasitisch lebender Insekten bei Rotwild aus der Gehegehaltung in Deutschland
E. Lux, Mix, H. M., Zedev, B.1997Damalinia (Tricholipeurus) zaganseeri, n. sp. (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae), a parasite from Procapra gutturosa (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) in Mongolia
M. el-Damarany1997Helminth and arthropod parasites of sandy fox, Vulpes ruppeli (Fissipedea; Carnivora) from Sohag, with redescription of Platynosomum fastosum (Digenea: Dicrocoeliidae)
J. P. Huelsenbeck, Rannala B.1997Phylogenetic methods come of age: testing hypotheses in an evolutionary context
J. A. Wilson, Heath, A. C. G., Quilter, S., McKay, C., Litchfield, D., Nottingham, R.1997A preliminary investigation into resistance to synthetic pyrethroids by the sheep biting louse (Bovicola ovis) in New Zealand
Ddel Carmen Castro1997Two new species of the genus Hoplopleura (Phthiraptera, Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) parasitic on miomorph rodents
P. J. James1997Population dynamics and host regulation of the sheep biting louse, Bovicola ovis (Schrank)(Phthiraptera: trichodectidae)
L. A. Durden, Banks, C. W., Clark, K. L., Belbey, B. V., Oliver, Jr, J. H.1997Ectoparasite fauna of the eastern woodrat, Neotoma floridana: composition, origin, and comparison with ectoparasite faunas of western woodrat species
T. M. Kollars, Jr., Durden, L. A., Oliver, Jr, J. H.1997Fleas and lice parasitizing mammals in Missouri
M. A. Price, Graham O. H.1997Chewing and sucking lice as parasites of mammals and birds
M. J. Clark, Heath, D. D., Stankiewicz, M.1997The ectoparasites of brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula in New Zealand
R. D. Price, Timm R. M.1997A new subgenus and four new species of Gliricola (Phthiraptera: Gyropidae) from Caribbean hutias (Rodentia: Capromyidae)
E. F. Sosnina, Dubinina E. V.1997New species of Hoplopleura (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae), parasites of Ochotona (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith